I thought we had a thread on this already, but if we do I couldn't find it.
This is the place for you to post military-related poetry, yours / someone else's, contemporary / historical, it doesn't matter. The only requirement is that it has to have a military nexus.
This poem, and its accompanying backstory, was written by a ShadowSpear member, celebrates a different ShadowSpear member's recovery from being severely WIA, and gives a shout-out to the site. That said, it's kind of dark...
This is the place for you to post military-related poetry, yours / someone else's, contemporary / historical, it doesn't matter. The only requirement is that it has to have a military nexus.
This poem, and its accompanying backstory, was written by a ShadowSpear member, celebrates a different ShadowSpear member's recovery from being severely WIA, and gives a shout-out to the site. That said, it's kind of dark...
I thought about the way America thinks its veterans are disposable, about how the wars aren’t “real” to most Americans in any meaningful sense, and how despite the “never forgotten” bumper stickers, most dead Soldiers are that: forgotten. Disposable. Put in a box. Flushed away after their utility is at an end.
I thought about all of that, and then I wrote this poem.
From my mother’s embrace I rose to the call of the State,
And I hunkered in its steel until my dry skin melted.
Six hundred meters from base, I shuffled off this mortal coil;
I fell asleep to the sound of exploding copper. No more nightmares.
At “end of mission,” they flushed me out of the turret with a hose.