Military & Sports Kilts

Mad boomer

Civil Affairs
Verified SOF
Jan 23, 2012
Scuba diving or fishing
LEO Mentor
Check these out guys; I purchased mine today.I have numerous friends that have them I couldn't resist. I purchased the hiking model to try it out on the trial in the near future. It comes in numerous cloth wiegths and styles as well as patterns. They also have military cloth in stock with every pattern of US military forces as well as dress models. The one pictured here is the USMC model for semi-formal wear. Bad ass! The trail model weights 3/4 of a pound. They also give military discounts and veteran friendly.

Hollis, ya know why we Scots call it a kilt??? . . .Cause thats what we did to the last guy who called it a skirt.

My real name is Hollis, it is a Celtic name. My family where Jacobites, that had to leave Scotland off of a sudden. If they stayed they would have been Kilted for sure. After we fled Scotland, we ended up in France and then the Carolinas. My aversion could also be from the French influence, "Viva La Difference."

I wonder if this will happen. Guy gets a new kilt, tries it on, he then asked his brother, Yo Bro, does this kilt make my butt look big.

It could be jealousy, I don't have the legs for one.

The guys that I emulated where Old Corps, My Gunny wore herrybone Utes.
I didn't realize you were from Scotland, what area? I was there in '02, just Edinburgh, loved it.

Family was, they were a part of the clan that supported Prince Charlie and fled after the defeat of Culloden. They arrived in the US, pre-revolutionary with a already distaste for the Crown. I am a mutt. Mom, was a German/Pole
Family was, they were a part of the clan that supported Prince Charlie and fled after the defeat of Culloden. They arrived in the US, pre-revolutionary with a already distaste for the Crown. I am a mutt. Mom, was a German/Pole

Nice. Our families fought together then, my mother is a MacGregor.

Scots via Erin to NC/VA. Came through the Cumberland Gap in the 1790's Yeah My line's hane all been here since Pre-Rev

Ah, I thought you meant you were actually Scottish.

edit: I just thought about this, via Erin? Ulster?
I was there in '02, just Edinburgh, loved it.

I was in Edinburgh and Glasgow in '06. They were both amazing cities and I had a great time. One night a buddy and I found this underground bar in Glasgow and it just happened to be the night that Scotland was playing England in a rugby match. The place was packed and once the patrons found out we were American military (who knew short hair, no facial hair, and polo shirts would give us away?), we couldn't pay for a drink the rest of the night.
I was in Edinburgh and Glasgow in '06. They were both amazing cities and I had a great time. One night a buddy and I found this underground bar in Glasgow and it just happened to be the night that Scotland was playing England in a rugby match. The place was packed and once the patrons found out we were American military (who knew short hair, no facial hair, and polo shirts would give us away?), we couldn't pay for a drink the rest of the night.


Sadly I was only there for a couple of days. Whenever I told the Scots my Mother was a MacGregor they'd say "Welcome home!" Very cool.
Family around the time for the Civil War wounded up in the Cumberland area. All but my gr gr uncle were Unionists. My uncle who we never talk about, except the damn Yankees hung him, turns out to be pretty darn famous in a bad way. Gr grand dad served in the Union army, tiny foot note in history where he distinguished himself on the Mississippi.

Which proves what W. Shakespeare wrote long before that time,

"The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones;"
Nice. Our families fought together then, my mother is a MacGregor.

Ah, I thought you meant you were actually Scottish.

edit: I just thought about this, via Erin? Ulster?

Erin is the whole of Ireland.. Most of the plantations from Britain came from protestant Scots. If you recall the Hatfields & McCoys thread, the McCoys originated in Scotland and were "given" land in Ireland and then went onto the US.
Erin is the whole of Ireland.. Most of the plantations from Britain came from protestant Scots. If you recall the Hatfields & McCoys thread, the McCoys originated in Scotland and were "given" land in Ireland and then went onto the US.

Yeah I know the history, Ive just never heard anyone but the Irish call Ireland Erin before, particularly someone from the Plantations. Kinda weird.
Yeah I know the history, Ive just never heard anyone but the Irish call Ireland Erin before, particularly someone from the Plantations. Kinda weird.

Yeah, maybe they still think Erin is theres...:D
Yeah I know the history, Ive just never heard anyone but the Irish call Ireland Erin before, particularly someone from the Plantations. Kinda weird.

That is interesting. We called it Erin too, then my gr Mother was Irish, Leatha Chaney. Another aspect is that on St. Paddy's day, regardless of where one is from in the US, they are all Irish. Erin Go Bragh.