Milwaukee Crowd Turns Violent After Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man

So... react swiftly and violently to an incident for which details still need to be reviewed.


The people participating in the subsequent violence were just looking for a "reason" to rationalize such behavior.
Fucking shit show. We have been receiving threats that they're going to rush our gates at State Fair Park for over a week now, specifically on this day so this is an interesting coincidence. We have enough police and security in the park and on standby to occupy most large cities, so they're welcome to push their luck.

Nothing but a bunch of fucking savages that are way too prevalent across the country. Shooting at firemen now? Christ.
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Fucking hood rats just want and need a reason to act the fucking fool. Did anybody see the reporter interview the brother of the dumb ass shot? Kid blames the cops on the burning/looting and "not protecting us". "They be doing this to us". Savages. And my mind will not be changed on this feeling, so don't attempt. I am tired of seeing this shit.

It is interesting to see the father take some accountability. For whatever that's worth...

Smith's father, Patrick Smith, told FOX 6 Milwaukee it was his son whose was killed by a police officer on Saturday night and blames himself for his son's death.
'When they see the wrong role model, this is what you get. 'Being on the street, doing things of the street life: Entertaining, drug dealing and pimping and they’re looking at their dad like "he’s doing all these things". 'I got out of jail two months ago, but I’ve been going back and forth in jail and they see those things so I’d like to apologize to my kids because this is the role model they look up to.
'Now somebody got killed reaching for his wallet, but now they can say he got a gun on him and they reached for it. And that’s justifiable,' Patrick Smith told FOX 6.

Milwaukee police in violent standoff with crowd after fatal shooting
This has gotten way out of hand. If cops can't defend themselves in high crime areas without fear of a riot, what's the point of their risking their lives for people who hate them?

Look at Baltimore. Three of the cops involved were black. Almost half the police force is black. The police chief is black. The DA is black. The mayor is black. The US Atty General is black. The President is black. Where is the racism?
Nothing but a bunch of fucking savages that are way too prevalent across the country. Shooting at firemen now? Christ.

My mate is a Firey at a fairly ghetto bit of the town and they've often been called "fucking pigs" when they turn up to jobs. His Chief so annoyed with it once he said to one guy "it's a giant fucking red fire truck. We're not fucking cop you dickhead!" The guy just looked at him like he had a third head supposedly.
My mate is a Firey at a fairly ghetto bit of the town and they've often been called "fucking pigs" when they turn up to jobs. His Chief so annoyed with it once he said to one guy "it's a giant fucking red fire truck. We're not fucking cop you dickhead!" The guy just looked at him like he had a third head supposedly.

My Uncle is Milwaukee Firefighter. He isn't in the house assigned to that district thankfully but about all he would tell me is "it's been a long night". Completely ridiculous. They won't respond until MPD secures the area. Clearly it isn't enough anymore.
I'm surprised that with the amount of social media being put up by the perpetrators, that they haven't been fingered yet.
My Uncle is Milwaukee Firefighter. He isn't in the house assigned to that district thankfully but about all he would tell me is "it's been a long night". Completely ridiculous. They won't respond until MPD secures the area. Clearly it isn't enough anymore.
They need to let the Ghetto burn.
Nothing like domestic terrorism cloaked in the language of "protest."

If only Dr. King lived long enough to watch what his community has become, the living embodiment of Dennis Green's "who we thought they were" rant.

Look, this country has problems with race and while you can debate the causes, blame, and solutions I don't see how anyone can see we don't have racial problems in this country. I think there are plenty of guilty parties and these..."people" are certainly on the list. Congrats to them for feeding a stereotype or two along the path to "justice." Idiots, they don't care one damn bit about justice or equality.
My mate is a Firey at a fairly ghetto bit of the town and they've often been called "fucking pigs" when they turn up to jobs. His Chief so annoyed with it once he said to one guy "it's a giant fucking red fire truck. We're not fucking cop you dickhead!" The guy just looked at him like he had a third head supposedly.

Most of you guys are probably too young to remember the race riots in the late '60s, but firefighters became targets. Sometimes fires were set deliberately to lure FFs into the zone. I guess because in the retarded view of these idiots the FFs are just another representation of The Man. One reason why American LaFrance started putting roofs on the cabs.


Standard TTP of rioters also seems to be burning and destroying businesses in their own neighborhoods.
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No, let it fucking stay burned and let the assholes take a bus when they need food.

And as far as I'm concerned they can police their own neighborhoods and see how that works out.

They hate the cops but the cops are the first people they call when the shit goes down...and when the cops come in and take appropriate action, they fucking riot. There's no right answer here if you're a cop. You're fucked no matter what you do and even if you do nothing then they scream that you're not doing enough to protect them. Catch 22.
Honestly, I think they should max punishment every single person involved in criminal activity. If you stood there and watched it, you were part of it and you get smacked with the same max sentence. Pull the same shit they did with the bikers in Waco. Lock all their asses up, set max bail, and when prosecuting, no deals, no probation. Max fines, max jail time, and make it so fucking horrible that nobody is stupid enough to burn a business or bust cars up or rob and assault people. Just toss the damn book at them and put a major end to it. Once word gets out that these guys are sitting in jail on million dollars bail, and getting tagged with $10k+ in fines, restetution for damages and 10 years in prison. There won't be so many willing to fuck shit up anymore.

I know states very on UoF, here in Texas deadly force is authorized to protect property, especially at night. I say open up on the fuckers, they start burning down/looting the local gas station, CVC, etc. Bust those patrol rifles out and drop about 5 of them.

Fuck those assholes, I'm fresh out fucks to give for the BLM movement. They keep burning their own community over shit bags being killed for being shit bags, and I'm supposed to care? Yeah fucking right...I'm leaning the other direction real fucking fast.