Milwaukee Crowd Turns Violent After Police Fatally Shoot Armed Man

I have a feeling that shooting a bunch of protesters would not help things in the slightest.

Also, are we now lumping in all black violence under the heading of "BLM stuff"? That's a little disingenuous, don't you think?
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Look, hard-working middle-class black people are not taking part in this shit, they are not the ones trying to find white people to beat up. These are inner-city thugs who never waste the slightest opportunity to riot, burn and loot. And they are whipped up by rabble-rousing community "leaders" and activists who like to see their own mugs on TV.
It reminds me of LA, and Detroit back in the 60's. To me, this has a more organized, deadlier feel to it than it did back then. It is a shame that we have lost all that ground. What happened to bring us back to the 60's? How did we become so split once again? Something, or someone has driven a huge wedge right down through the middle of our nation. All the work Dr. Martin Luther King did to sell, and make non-violence work, has been tossed aside, who did that, and why? Is there someone with leadership ability, that can stand up and work to put a stop to all this?

There is a position that has been filled, that should stand up and call for calm, and peace. We have the position of POTUS. All I have heard is how "Trevon Martin could have been my son". I have heard that it is a matter of gun control. We need some leadership, and an articulate ability to call for calm and peace, just for this next week. I do not think our POTUS can, or even plans to make a plea for peace and calm. So......this will go on. There is also the threat from radical Middle Eastern influence that is a worry for our nation. We are living in a very dangerous time, and we are doing so without any insight or leadership at the national level.

My $.02.
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Also, are we now lumping in all black violence under the heading of "BLM stuff"? That's a little disingenuous, don't you think?

BLM and many of its supporters are the equivalent of "moderate Muslims", standing back and saying very little about their extremist brothers... because, quietly, they'd pick the extremists' side. If it came down to picking a side, that is. They never fully condemn any of this shit. What are they posting on social media right now? Oh, just some shit about the Black Panthers, when they're not busy idolising Mike 'thug' Brown.

It reminds me of LA, and Detroit back in the 60's. To me, this has a more organized, deadlier feel to it that it did back then. It is a shame that we have lost all that ground. What happened to bring us back to the 60's? How did we become so split once again? Something, or someone has driven a huge wedge right down through the middle of our nation. All the work Dr. Martin Luther King did to sell, and make non-violence work, has been tossed aside, who did that, and why? Is there someone with leadership ability, that can stand up and work to put a stop to all this?

There is a position that has been filled, that should stand up and call for calm, and peace. We have the position of POTUS. All I have heard is how "Trevon Martin could have been my son". I have heard that it is a matter of gun control. We need some leadership, and an articulate ability to call for calm and peace, just for this next week. I do not think our POTUS can, or even plans to make a plea for peace and calm. So......this will go on. There is also the threat from radical Middle Eastern influence that is a worry for our nation. We are living in a very dangerous time, and we are doing so without any insight or leadership at the national level.

My $.02.

As a nation, we haven't progressed since 1965? 50 years and two generations later, we've not changed our opinions? Sad indeed.

This comment... hah.

"so a black criminal thug pointed a stolen gun at black police officer, got shot by that black officer, who was protecting a black neighborhood, and black residents responded by burning down their own neighborhood, because Black Lives Matter."
As a nation, we haven't progressed since 1965? 50 years and two generations later, we've not changed our opinions? Sad indeed.

There were huge, scary riots at night. The Watts area of LA, Ca was business after business looted then burned. At night, Watts was pretty much a free fire zone. The same thing was going on in Detroit. Huge racial riots, fires, shooting, looting. Federal troops were called up frequently. College campuses were hotbeds of unrest, and National Guard troops were deployed there too, with one student shot dead at Kent State, Oh.

Looking at the scene in Milwaukee, was exactly like the riots and unrest of the 60's.
There were huge, scary riots at night. The Watts area of LA, Ca was business after business looted then burned. At night, Watts was pretty much a free fire zone. The same thing was going on in Detroit. Huge racial riots, fires, shooting, looting. Federal troops were called up frequently. College campuses were hotbeds of unrest, and National Guard troops were deployed there too, with one student shot dead at Kent State, Oh.

Looking at the scene in Milwaukee, was exactly like the riots and unrest of the 60's.

I was one of those federal troops called up for riot duty at the political conventions in Miami in '72. 2/6 Marines and 82nd Airborne. And we were very disappointed we didn't get to go in and kick some ass. If we had a president who had some decisive leadership qualities, 2/6 and an Airborne Brigade would be on their way to Milwaukee right now. And if they got deployed every time this shit happened the message would get through that it would not be tolerated and order will be restored by force if necessary.
I have a feeling that shooting a bunch of protesters would not help things in the slightest.

Also, are we now lumping in all black violence under the heading of "BLM stuff"? That's a little disingenuous, don't you think?

One of the real issues I have debating stuff with you, is the way you attempt to twist wording and meaning. Where did I state that all black violence is because BLM. This thread is about the Milwaukee protest and riots, which is a result of the Ferguson effect, which was pretty well started in conjuction with BLM. BLM are the fuck heads who called for dead cops. BLM rallys is where police officer have been ambushed and killed. So no I don't think it is disingenuous to assert that BLM is a hostile group with hostile intent towards LE and the community in which they protest. What I do think is disingenuous is people failing to realize these things, and continuing to defend a group that has obviously proven itself to support murder and violence towards not only people of other races, but the law enforcement, FIRE/EMS community as well.

Deathy, if you can't even see that, I don't know what we can talk about. I tried to see it from a middle ground POV, the damaged property, assaults and killings that continue to take place just keep telling something way different. And fuck that, I believe in law an order, I believe in being able to walk down the street with out being jumped for being white, or having property destroyed. Fuck BLM, they are not the solution, they are the fucking problem...
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One of the real issues I have debating stuff with you, is the way you attempt to twist wording and meaning. Where did I state that all lack violence is because BLM. This thread is about the Milwaukee protest and riots, which is a result of the Ferguson effect, which was pretty well started in conjuction with BLM. BLM are the fuck head who called for dead cops. BLM rallys is where police officer have been ambushed and killed. So no don't think it is disingenuous to assert that BLM is a hostile group with hostile intent towards LE and the community in which they protest. What I do think is disingenuous is people failing to realize these things, and continuing to defend a group that has obviously proven itself to support murder and violence towards not people of other races, but the law enforcement, FIRE/EMS community as well.

Deathy, if you can't even see that, I don't know what we can talk about. I tried to see it from a middle ground POV, the damaged property, assaults and killings that continue to take place just keep telling something way different. And fuck that, I believe in law an order, I believe in being able to walk down the street with out being jumped for being white, or having property destroyed. Fuck BLM, they are not the solution, they are the fucking problem...
That's fair. I meant the statement to be a broader point about some of the statements made in this thread, but didn't specifically say that, which is my fault.\

Buuuuuuuuut then you went ahead and proved my point.
That's fair. I meant the statement to be a broader point about some of the statements made in this thread, but didn't specifically say that, which is my fault.\

Buuuuuuuuut then you went ahead and proved my point.

LMAO, nicely played.

I can almost garantee we will not find common ground on this issue. I get there is a need for reforms in the laws we have and the way they are enforced. I just don't see where BLM is helping that cause in anyway shape or form and honestly believe it's having the reverse effect.

But sticking with this thread, the meme that Rapid posted with the comments, pretty well reflect the reality of the situation. This is not rational "we're upset over the death of another black man" protests. This is simply "we got a reason and now we gonna act a fool".
This comment... hah.

"so a black criminal thug pointed a stolen gun at black police officer, got shot by that black officer, who was protecting a black neighborhood, and black residents responded by burning down their own neighborhood, because Black Lives Matter."

Wonder if the movement will help the neighborhood rebuild and renew like a Phoenix?
I have a feeling that shooting a bunch of protesters would not help things in the slightest.

Also, are we now lumping in all black violence under the heading of "BLM stuff"? That's a little disingenuous, don't you think?
I always figured when people start committing acts of domestic terrorism, they lose the "protester" status. As for violence, pretty sure that there will always be segments of the population that will only respond to force. The way I see it. A shithead by any other name, is still a shithead. If people are going to act like predators, then they should be treated accordingly. Regardless of sex, race, nationality, gender preference, etc.
Look, hard-working middle-class black people are not taking part in this shit, they are not the ones trying to find white people to beat up. These are inner-city thugs who never waste the slightest opportunity to riot, burn and loot. And they are whipped up by rabble-rousing community "leaders" and activists who like to see their own mugs on TV.
I can't agree more with this statement. At the end of the day, the people who get screwed are the kids and vulnerable families that are forced to reside in these areas.
...What happened to bring us back to the 60's? How did we become so split once again? Something, or someone has driven a huge wedge right down through the middle of our nation. All the work Dr. Martin Luther King did to sell, and make non-violence work, has been tossed aside, who did that, and why?...

Entitlement. Driven by White Guilt.

At one time necessary legislation to overcome antiquated and racist ordinances and discriminatory practices which people eventually became dependent upon and which inflated like a roiling ball of black and orange napalm into the fucking much-abused 30-trillion dollar monster it now is. A Bizarro World Pavlovian experiment in which the relationship between stimuli just reinforces bad behavior and perpetuates the cycle of lawlessness with positive reinforcement for the loudest mob.
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