Mosquitos and Spitfires, AWESOME!


Verified Military
Sep 7, 2006

This gives me a hard on!

Turn the sound up!
A Mosquito and a King Tiger, then I can really take over the world! :evil:

I 'flew' the actual Mosquito raid on the gestapo HQ in france by a Mosquito squadron in a flight simulator in the Imperial War Musem in London, really cool!

Also managed to sit inside a burnt out Mosqutio back in NZ once.
Balsa wood, Bomber, fighter, photo recce, pathfinder etc... you name it, the mozzie did it. the most versatile plane in WW2 IMO.
One of my dad's old friends and business counterparts from Israel flew the first contingent of Mosquitos that formed the core of the IAF in the 50s.

I've never seen video of the aircraft being flown except in old movies. Any idea when this video was shot? The low level pass was pretty cool, almost as cool as that one video that shows a Spitfire doing a low pass directly over the head of a narrator doing some documentary work.:eek: :D
I've never seen video of the aircraft being flown except in old movies. Any idea when this video was shot? The low level pass was pretty cool, almost as cool as that one video that shows a Spitfire doing a low pass directly over the head of a narrator doing some documentary work.:eek: :D

LOL that is awesome!


Sadly the clip with the mozzies is largly computer generated.