

Angry Member
Verified SOF
Nov 29, 2007
Front Leaning Rest
Alright ladies and gents I came across Rapids post on rations and did not want to steal the thunder of the Orish thread. What do you like? What have you tried? and Recipes? I can smell the MRE shits already :D

I've never looked at US SOF rations, and for that matter I wonder if there's a difference between conventional and SOF rations in the US? French SOF rations are quite different to the conventional ones, in that they have a lot more stuff in them, especially for taking in calories/energy. I've still got some energy bars around which say "bar commando", and those always made me laugh because I figured that's the last thing you'd want advertised on your equipment. :D

There is something called a MCW/LRP ration, never had one or seen one. Some of the LRS guys on the board might have. Some of the MREs also came with a chocolate power bar that wasn't so bad, you could taste the fiber. I am not sure if it is the same power bar in the MRE but there is a power bar called the "Hooah Bar" that came in Apple-Cinnamon and Chocolate if my memory served me correctly; it was a tasty treat during Ranger School, first time I had one.

Meatloaf and mashpotatoes mixed together into a thick consistency with cayenne pepper for a little kick, it was a good meal that sticks to ribs. "Ranger Pudding" - Cocao mixed with cream powder and water, never did the coffee or crackers thing.
I saw some guys in the desert that were packing the Arctic MRE, and I heard it was pretty good.

Couldn't convince them to give me on to find out. Anything would have been better than the standard issue MRE. :p
Yeah, they definitely are stingy on the trail mix. The portions in the white bagged mres are much larger.
Cocoa powder (hot chocolate mix, even the coffee mix's with that nutty flavor in it too) mix it with MRE crackers crumbled into dust.

pour the instant mix in, and just enough water to make it sort-of liquified.

That pudding tastes good!!!

Or take the Chicken Noodle (because there is hardly any broth at all in it...) pour it into a container, mix the veggie spegghetti stuff (no clue WTF it is, it's like a vegatarian noodle mix, kinda tastes like lasagna) and mix them together. and than pour in a LITTLE tabaso sauce. :P

Add just a little water, and than pour in some pepper.

That's also really good.

I've had several MREs during my younger years. I love 'em!!! XD

Or take the M&Ms out of the MRE, (some come with M&Ms, some come with fruit cakes, etc.) and add it to said pudding mix above. crumble into dust some fruit cake, or whatever kind of cake-like desert another person has.

mix it all together. and than take that, and form two small bricks.

Vwala, chocolate cake (with a hint of coffee if you added that) with chocolate m&ms and a small crunch. :P

You have to find a way to cook the chocolate bricks... Personally, I've found those packets that heat up with water added to them to work pretty well... if you finished your main course thing. just put the brick in there after rinsing it out some, and put the chocolate cake mix into it. it'll cook up. dry up some. and it reminds you more of an actual browny (no kidding) with m&ms in it than anything else...

When I was younger, I used to find all sorts of ways to use an MRE.
Cocoa powder (hot chocolate mix, even the coffee mix's with that nutty flavor in it too) mix it with MRE crackers crumbled into dust.

pour the instant mix in, and just enough water to make it sort-of liquified.

That pudding tastes good!!!

Or take the Chicken Noodle (because there is hardly any broth at all in it...) pour it into a container, mix the veggie spegghetti stuff (no clue WTF it is, it's like a vegatarian noodle mix, kinda tastes like lasagna) and mix them together. and than pour in a LITTLE tabaso sauce. :P

Add just a little water, and than pour in some pepper.

That's also really good.

I've had several MREs during my younger years. I love 'em!!! XD

Or take the M&Ms out of the MRE, (some come with M&Ms, some come with fruit cakes, etc.) and add it to said pudding mix above. crumble into dust some fruit cake, or whatever kind of cake-like desert another person has.

mix it all together. and than take that, and form two small bricks.

Vwala, chocolate cake (with a hint of coffee if you added that) with chocolate m&ms and a small crunch. :P

When I was younger, I used to find all sorts of ways to use an MRE.

During your younger years? How old are you?

PS. MREs suck.
During your younger years? How old are you?

PS. MREs suck.

19 :D

When I was 12-17. I'd always do everything I could to get a hold of an MRE or sets of MREs and play around with different things in 'em. (Find things to make with 'em...)

Cooking used to be a huge hobby of mine growing up. (contributer of why I gained considerable weight when I was much younger)
The Rasberry soup in the arctic MRE's were the best thing I ever had in the field.

That being said, I liked the "old" meatballs in BBq sauce, Beef slices in BBq sauce,and "current ones, my fav's are Chicken breast, The country Captain Chicken (hell,all chicken isn't bad), and of course, sphagetti.

HATE the ham and eggs,jambalaya and mexican ones.

There used to be (in the good old days) a actual "MRE Cookbook" from the people who made the tobasco sauce. I heard they are worth quite a bit now-dont know why:P
I almost saw someone burst into tears when they dropped their vanilla pound cake in the rain soaked mud in Dahlonega. Funny how something that tastes not so great can become a 5-star meal when you're hungry.
Speaking of raspberry that raspberry applesauce is pretty good. Redhots? WTF were this people thinking. How about the charms myth (It will rain), some people used to take that shit too serious. I was the buddy fucker that ate them.

PS. MREs suck.
Admit it bro, you locked yourself in your room and ate a whole box after Ranger School.
Jambalaya and Country Captain Chicken were probably my two favorite MREs.

For individual items I liked that cheese spread in a bag on those big-ass soft crackers and the pound cake that probably actually weighed a pound. (Both made for a hearty BM.)
Beef Stew. tastes JUST like Dinty Moore. and the chicken fajita, chicken breast, and chicken cavatelli are good. there's another chicken one that's good, but it tastes like tuna, can't remember the name though. I'll think of it when I'mnot thinking about it I'm sure. the only one i really don't like is the stupid veggie omelet and the chili w/beans. I fuckin LOVE chili mac and the spaghetti one. yum. as for the different cooking "recipes".... when the fuck did you guys have that much time? anywhere I've been where MREs was a necssity, you barely had time to scarf whatever it was you were eating while it was cold! "heating it up" consisted of placing the meal pouches on the hot-ass hood of a vehicle. :D
I'll second the chicken tetrazzini. Especially if I've somehow managed to get a hold of some jalapeno cheese spread to add into it right when it gets hot. That's some fine dinin' right there. I'd also add the cheese spread to the spaghetti and the ravioli. Lemon poppy seed pound cake, or the elusive pumpkin spice cake made my day when I could find them. When MRE's started coming with the milkshakes, I was a little leery of it at first, but after several months out in the suck for OIF I, I developed a taste for the strawberry shakes myself (even though I wouldn't be able to shit for a couple of days afterwards).

I was never so happy in my life when the "Country Captain Cat-shit....err, I mean Chicken" MRE was discontinued. Speaking of, there's a story about Country Captain Cat-shit T-rations that I should share one of these days (if I haven't posted it already somewhere else on the board). But I digress.

I can't remember everything I used to do with the brown bag lunches, because it's been a while since I've had to eat them. A little ingenuity and hot sauce went a looooong way.
Chicken tet blows....

Chicken there's a gourmet meal :)

And Sloppy Joe... score +1 for the hungry man!
PS. MREs suck.

No shit. Seriously. :doh::eek:

What was funny was that the MRE I spent 3 years trying to avoid, Corned Beef Hash, turned out to be the one I liked the most.

Of course, that might have been a function of not having gotten anything to eat in the previous 30 hours. I just asked one of our MPs to grab me one, and that's what he gave me.

I'll bet if he'd given me the pork patty, or those nasty frankfurters, one of those would have turned into my favorite.

And the chicken cacciatore T-Rat was actually pretty good.
I remember Boneless Pork Chop, Ham Slice, and Beef Frankfurters being particularly awful.