Muammar al-Gaddafi: the last battle


Verified Military
Jan 22, 2010
Standing in the door
TRIPOLI, crowd bombed Rome alert aviation!

What do you think guys?.... This is the revenge of mr reagan just the centenary of his birth ... (Nemesi Storica):D

Tripoli - Libya is on fire. The scenario is civil war (the live video of Al Jazeera). After seven days of the protest against the government, the riots came to Tripoli, where he was sacked the headquarters of state television and the fire has been started at the office of the central government and other public offices. In the streets openly confront the armed pro-government (revolutionary committees) and the rebels who want to oust Qaddafi. The conflict is total, street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood. Theater of battle - psychological and physical - is the central Green Square. Until now there are more than sixty dead, but the budget is expected to worsen by the hour. Meanwhile the justice minister, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, has resigned to "protest the excessive use of force" against anti-government protesters.

The Air Force opened fire on demonstrators Some military jets - says Al Jazeera - they run raids against the protesters who are in the center of Tripoli. The Libyan security forces attacked "the hideouts of terrorists," as they are called on state television, the protesters.

The revolt in Benghazi An entire brigade of the regular army stationed at Benghazi deserted, going with the rebels and committing to chase away the "mercenaries" from other African countries, men armed to the teeth, the roofs are on fire civilians.Repression is carried out by a loyalist of the system, Abdullah Senoussi, Gaddafi's son.

Two fighters who fled to Malta two Libyan fighters landed at Valletta, after escaping from a military base in Benghazi. The Maltese military sources said. After some time, always on the valley, almost two civilian helicopters arrived from even these dlala Libya, carrying seven passengers, who reported to be French, employees of an oil company.

SOURCE: ilGiornale

NDTV news

All info on Lybia here

Reports: Live rounds fired on protesters marching on Muammar Gaddafi's compound in Libyan capital Tripoli


News here says Tripoli is surrounded with civvies commandeering tanks and weapons

You could imagine some 40 year old baker sitting in a tank and thinking to himself "Now how the fuck do I turn this thing on?"
What do I think?

I think we need to stay the hell out of Libya (and the rest of the countries in the region having problems), except for the express purpose of removing our citizens (the ones to STUPID to leave when shit started happening...) to safety. Any other involvement on our part will give all sides an opportunity to spin this into an anti-American event and the violence will turn against us. Look at Iraq and how that has been spun by the majority of the world. The rest of the world doesn't like America thinking we're the "world police"? Fine, do it without us...

Is Libya still on the UN Human Rights Commision?
0699 they are still sitting on the committe. This is still the administration who reported us for violations remember?
I hope it's bloody as hell. Let the world see how peaceful he is; let the Muslim Brotherhood actually expend some of it's supporters for a change.
No tears from me.
two units of the navy came to the U.S. military base at Souda Bay on the island of Creteand 400 marines are ready to sail to Libya. The ships arrived in Crete as part ofrepositioning the U.S. fleet, the Kearsage would be the flagship for naval operation inLibya.... Rock&Roll baby?...
two units of the navy came to the U.S. military base at Souda Bay on the island of Creteand 400 marines are ready to sail to Libya. The ships arrived in Crete as part ofrepositioning the U.S. fleet, the Kearsage would be the flagship for naval operation inLibya.... Rock&Roll baby?...

I hope not.
Normal, reasonable, governments allow foreign militaries in to evacuate their citizens. Mo-mar isn't, A large landing could easily turn into a forced entry, which Al-ja-queera would propagandize as another American Invasion.
Get our people out, and let the chips fall where they may.
This is a problem for the people of Libya to sort out.
I hope not.
Normal, reasonable, governments allow foreign militaries in to evacuate their citizens. Mo-mar isn't, A large landing could easily turn into a forced entry, which Al-ja-queera would propagandize as another American Invasion.
Get our people out, and let the chips fall where they may.
This is a problem for the people of Libya to sort out.
agree... but i heard about blackops ongoing... since a month ago...

breaking news... International arrest warrant for ghadaffy duck, while the colonel and his men take over the city of Al Zawiah
two units of the navy came to the U.S. military base at Souda Bay on the island of Creteand 400 marines are ready to sail to Libya. The ships arrived in Crete as part ofrepositioning the U.S. fleet, the Kearsage would be the flagship for naval operation inLibya.... Rock&Roll baby?...

There is nothing in Libya worth the life of a single Marine.
I believe that nowhere in the world there is something that is worth the life of a
marine... but you know..."semper fidelis" to another motto... "de oppresso liber"

No, I don't "know". Are you trying to say we should liberate the people of Libya? How about this; the rest of the world can do it, then when it goes to shit, we can tell them how f'd up THEY are.

I still say America needs to sit this one out. There is no strategic requirement for us to be there, not to "enforce UN sanctions", not to "enforce a no-fly zone", nothing. I'm tired of running around the world trying to help everyone, then getting it broke off in our ass everytime we do.
No, I don't "know". Are you trying to say we should liberate the people of Libya? How about this; the rest of the world can do it, then when it goes to shit, we can tell them how f'd up THEY are.

I still say America needs to sit this one out. There is no strategic requirement for us to be there, not to "enforce UN sanctions", not to "enforce a no-fly zone", nothing. I'm tired of running around the world trying to help everyone, then getting it broke off in our ass everytime we do.
you are right.. completely.. rest of the world (first italian communists) maybe (i say maybe)are too cowards to do something in Libya... only Marines can do it... but again you are right... there is anything in Libya that is worth the life of a marine. I don't trust in UN, I don't trust in UNCHR... bla bla only.

There's a possibiity that the Libyans have captured both a SAS team and a team of Dutch SOF.

The Ministry of Defence says it will not comment on a claim in the Sunday Times that members of the SAS have been seized by rebel forces in Libya.
The paper claims the unit was involved in a secret mission to put British diplomats in touch with rebels trying to topple Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
It says eight SAS men, in plain clothes but armed, were captured as they escorted the diplomat in eastern Libya.