
Computer graphics are great, wonder why the didn't use actual footage of V-22 hoist ops. ;)

For the record, I am a huge fan of the V-22. I just don't see it replacing all the airframes leadership thinks it can replace.

Of course the video kind of indicates that the C-2 can be replaced by the V-22, which seems plausible.
Its also good for putting a giant glass dome over citys
Members of the Colorado Army National Guard’s 5th Battalion, 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) fast-rope from a U.S. Air Force V-22 Osprey aircraft at Butts Army Air Field July 11, 2009. “The operators were conducting special operations training through collaboration with the active duty 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne), and the U.S. Air Force’s 71st Special Operations Squadron out of Albuquerque, New Mexico,” said 5/19th SFG(A) Commander Lt. Col. Ken Chavez. The V-22 is a multi-mission, tiltrotor aircraft designed to perform missions like a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft. (Official U.S. Army photo by Army Pfc. Kristoff Decloedt)
The guys that run this site are fucking idiots. Formerly known as "Soldiers for the truth, (SFTT). Bunch of douchebags.

What's wrong with SFTT? Col Hackworth started the organization and he was a stand up guy.
What's wrong with SFTT? Col Hackworth started the organization and he was a stand up guy.

I can't speak for the others and it has been some time since I've visited the site, but they started publishing some questionable articles and seemed to blab the same garbage over and over. They had a high signal to noise ratio.

To me they lost credibility over time.
To be honest I stopped tuning in after Col Hackworth died. I never really followed SFTT; I was more interested in the articles Hack wrote.
What's wrong with SFTT? Col Hackworth started the organization and he was a stand up guy.

He lost me when he wouldn't admit he was wrong on an issue.
These are the folks (Pre SFTT) who claimed the M-1 wouldn't hack it against Russian armor, then touted the tank as a wonder weapon after GW1.
He wrote in his 2nd book that the AC-130 crews were pulled from Somalia support to take a R&R in Italy. I pointed out (with backup docs) that they had been retasked by SecDef to fly in support of Bosnia OPs. He told me he'd change it in his next book-never did, so much for the truth, guess R&R stories sell better.
Most of the major weapons systems used today were lambasted by these guys. On another occaision some idiot (AF) claimed CJCS was making 1 day trips to Bosnia for the tax break, they ran with it, never considering the other NATO meeting he was attending in theater.
He may have started good, but he became obsessed with scandals, even if they didn't exist.