My Blood Vow


Combined Action
Verified Military
Jun 29, 2014
Decisive Terrain
Kill me if I use any of the following phrases again:

When I was in Nam...

Back in my day...

This is how we did it back then...

The VC used to...

Or variations thereof...;-)
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Fuck, change Nam with Iraq and I'm there. Your experience is valued to me and I would imagine by many on here. You lay down your old-timer experience as much as you can. Hopefully some cherry will be listening.
This ain't one of those reverse psychology "don't make me sing" moments. I feel the need to be more selective with my contributions re "war experiences" because there are so many people on this site who've BTDT in a hard way. But I appreciate the comments and hates. :thumbsup: I tend to forget who I'm talking to, HSLD individuals who've spent years on the sharp edge.

Please don't I like hearing your stories.
This ain't one of those reverse psychology "don't make me sing" moments. I feel the need to be more selective with my contributions re "war experiences" because there are so many people on this site who've BTDT in a hard way. But I appreciate the comments and hates. :thumbsup: I tend to forget who I'm talking to, HSLD individuals who've spent years on the sharp edge.
You fought a different war, with it's own challenges and hardships. Don't feel you need to compete with anyone here (there are no winners then) or that you need to stop sharing stories. I for one like the personal stories, from any era. I've had family who fought in every war since before this country was founded. Reminisce away and if someone doesn't like it they don't have to click on the thread or they can exercise the "ignore" button.
That was a joke, given a previous discussion that had been going on. I found that, and found it humorous. The intent was wholly humorous. Not this.

Your experiences are always welcome. You fought then with what you had, at the behest of our nation. Were you a Marine today, you might hold the same position that I do on that single specific topic. However, your position is based on your experience, which still has huge validity. Hell, lots of our SOP's in Regiment, equipment layouts, etc were based off of studies and SOP's on various things from Vietnam forward. As much as things change, War never changes.