My father, the Marine....


Verified Military
Nov 3, 2015
Durham, NC
My dad retired from the Marine Corps in 1975, shade over 20 years in. He passed away in 1977 when I was 8 so everything I know about his service is through old documents, pictures, family hearsay. Over the years I have been piecing his career together, have a couple gaps, but have most of his career documented. As he spent most of his career in intelligence in a variety of MOSs, his 'resume' is fairly pedestrian (early career was infantry); however, one item of note is he was the Honor Graduate of the Army Intelligence School Intelligence Analyst Course, the first Marine to do so.

I guess the only reason I bring this up is, per another thread regarding Vietnam-era service, that generation is getting older and fading away, and I think it is very important to understand and appreciate their service in those decades.
The WW2 guys and Korea guys are fading. The Vietnam guys are--many of them--dying before their time. Those of us who survive are the walking ghosts of our brothers who never came back. RIP and SF to your Dad.
I tell my son all the time to take full advantage of those "walking, talking, books of historical knowledge" while they are still with us. They are a priceless asset that is wasted if not used.