My Introduction


Mar 21, 2015
Hello everyone. My name is Brandon, and I'm from Kansas City, Missouri. One night, after pondering a lot about what I want to do with my life, I thought about joining the military (I'm not sure if the "m" needs to be capitalized, or if that's only with specifics, like Navy or Army) and ever since then the idea stuck. I'm an introspective person, so if you catch me "bitching" about my faults, just let me know and I'll stop. I know I lack self-discipline, and the m(M?)ilitary seems like the best place to find it. From the posts I've read on this forum vs others, the people here at Shadowspear seem much more honest and wise, which is why I'm here. As soon as I get in shape (5'6" and only 105 lbs) I plan on enlisting. If you have any questions about me, feel free to ask!
The military can help to show you what discipline is...but, self-discipline is a decision you have to make. No one can do that for you or it wouldn't be "self" discipline.

As to physical doesn't matter...I was 5'5" and 117 lbs when I reported to MEPS.

As to the size of your heart, desire, and determination...that matters a lot.

Welcome to ShadowSpear!
Welcome to Shadowspear. @Agoge is right. And I was 5'6" and 125 going into to boot camp, came out weighing 115.