My ShadowSpear Introduction


Jun 25, 2015
South Florida
Hi Gentlemen,

I started finished HS in 3 years and started college at 17 because my parents agreed to pay for school and still let me enlist without hassling me if I stuck out my education until I earned a graduate degree. Luckily, I became really interested in Computer Science/Engineering/Security, and finished a PhD in CompEgineering in just 9 total years. So, as of now I am 26 and hope to either go through OCS/OCC and become an officer in SOCOM, join the NCIS/OSI/Army CI, become a pilot for the Navy or a fighter pilot for the USAF or perhaps even join a separate branch of our national defense structure (CIA, FBI, DIA, NRO, US Cyber Com, etc...).

My uncle recently retired from the AF after spending 8 years as an A-10 Thunderbolt II pilot, as well as spending 2 years earning an MS in Theoretical Propulsion and Aeronautical Physics. Between that, and the fact that my grandfather was an Army Airborne Ranger in Vietnam (lurp!), I have always wanted to join the military. My father is an immigrant who earned an MBA and an MS in Robotics Engineering on a shoestring budget, so he feels as though my desire to fight for the USA is below me. It's true that he was accepted into this nation as a refugee due to the fact that his home nation was being ravaged by a sectarian civil war in the 70s and 80s, but I find that such a reality is all the more reason to lend my skillset to the US defesnse apparatus for at least a few years.

I also promise not to post a bunch of newb, bullshit questions
Please change your name immediately, you did not read the New User instructions (see below, especially rule #1 bolded in red and underlined copied directly from the New Users Start Here thread), You are not SF and cannot have that in your username. You can pm an admin or mod the new name.

You will not post again anywhere until this is fixed, or you risk a warning or a ban. Got it, 'doctor'?

So far, not a great impression.

I will reserve any welcome until you comply with the above instructions.

Yes, I can be a huge asshole, this is what the military can be like when you are a FTFSI.

Community Rules
1. Do not choose a military-related user name or select site avatars that do not mirror your credentials. For example: Do not choose "ArmyGuy7" if you have never been in the Army. If you are an Army wannabe, do not choose a screen name with the word "Army" in it (ie "ArmyWannabe1").

2. We require members to fill out their profile before posting an introduction. The member's component and background are required. The "background field" must be filled out. You may list your military job/specialty (MOS) or units you serve(d) with. Civilian members can tell us what they do for a living.

3. We require new members to introduce themselves here prior to posting on the site (in other words, your first post should be your intro). Accounts will be banned or deleted for failure to complete this requirement. Introductions do not have to be works of art, but at the same time sub par intros will not be tolerated. If you are/were military, you may want to highlight what branch you served in, what your job is/was, and what brought you to ShadowSpear. If you're not in the military or a veteran, feel free to tell us about yourself and what brought you to our community. We encourage everyone to be an active participant on the board; however if you prefer to be a lurker, you may do so after your initial post is made.

4. Be aware of OPSEC/PERSEC at all times. The good guys aren't the only ones reading this board. It is your responsibility to report post violations. If you choose to sign up with your real name, you should be aware of the associated risks. If you register on this site via Facebook and would like your full name changed to a screen name, please submit a request using the "vetting and requests" link in the navigation bar.

5. Do not post pornographic, racist, hateful, or illegal material.

6. If a thread has content that is not safe for the work environment, you must choose the Not Safe For Work (NSWF) prefix for the thread title. The NSFW permits foul language; however, it must not contain pornographic, racist, hateful or illegal material.

7. Heated debates are fine, just keep them professional. Do not dog pile.

8. All personal profiles must be safe for work.

9. The Mentor Section is for SOF/military/LE/tactical circles only. No exceptions.

10. Using curse words on the forum is fine, however do not increase the font size of those words or use them in thread titles.

11. You may not advertise/post/link/use an avatar to highlight your business/website on this website without first receiving permission from the staff, which can only be done via the vetting link in the navigation bar. Fill out the form labeled "business."

Additionally, we recommend the use of "smilies" to convey humor, since it is sometimes misinterpreted on the Internet.

Why does ShadowSpear require intros and completed profiles? In short, we run a tight community and try to provide information that is factually correct. People who pass themselves off as someone they are not are not welcome here. This site is for learning, teaching, and connecting. Remember, no one is forcing you to join this site. You can still read the topics as a guest. Show the other members a little respect, and you will receive some in return.

Although the administrators and moderators of ShadowSpear Special Operations will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and the the owner, administrators, moderators, and staff associated with the ShadowSpear Special Operations community will not be held responsible for the content of any message, attachment, posting, or use of the site for any reason.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually- oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. The owners, administrators, moderators, and staff associated with the ShadowSpear Special Operations community reserve the right to remove, edit, move, or close any thread. They also reserve the right to remove any account without providing an explanation.

Thread closed until the original poster complies with instructions.
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