It just seems that there is a reporter embedded with SEALs almost everytime they deploy afterwards a program will show up on my television showing their exploits.
Hey I never said it was a bad thing. on the contrary I rather enjoy those programs.
As far as I know the only mass-media journalists embedded with Combat Deployed NAVSOF units was The "60 minutes" piece, (personally I think there are some errors in that piece). Other than her, I know that General Oliver North recently completed a deployment with a NSWG/NSWU, I don't think it's been released yet. If there are others segments, that I'm not aware of, I would love to see them.
The footage and pics of SEALs in Iraq OIF, in particular SEAL Team 3 in Ramadi (Pics of Monsoor and others, and the famous "SEAL rooftop Firefight" ), were not suppose to happen. The reporter was embedded with an Infantry unit that the SEALs supported, that day of the footage the SEALs requested that the reporters not come along, and by chance and the fog of war the reporter ended up on the roof with the SEALs.
Now I guess you could consider Authors, but the SEALs seem to tend to only allow combat embeds for former SEALs, like Chris Osman and Dick Couch.
Neways, about the post. I was stroked when Budweiserus1(youtube) posted this video, I hadn't even heard it mentioned before.
It's funny how all these SEALs documentary/recruiting films follow almost identical form throughout the years, some of the shots are almost identical. For instance, "Men with Green Faces", "America's Secret Warriors", and Discovery's "The Silent Option" In Harm's Way"