I would have thought that people who could pass in the first place where the minority.
I would have thought that people who could pass in the first place where the minority.
Your only good on Pizza !! ...................................................Canadian bacon, couph, couph !!
Most Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen can't make this grade. I don't care who you are or what you've been, you probably don't have what it takes to cut all 3 phases of BUD/S Add in SEAL TT, Freefall, BAC etc.
Like the man said, if you can cut the mustard your in and your an SO with NSW, if not, your on the fleet.
Here's my Bold statement
Diversity or not, there are people on this board that hold the Green Title of SOF under their screen name. They cannot or will not ever make it through BUD/S. It's a fact, live with it.
We have minorities that are SOF on this board. They all made their grades. Hold their heads up high and deliver high performance to their Teams.
You can't recruit based on color alone.
First off, not on topic but whats BAC?
...NSW seems to be trying to get, as stated in the article, those minorities who may be able to make it to simply be aware of the opportunities and to apply...
As if minorities didnt already know the SEALs (or other SOF units) existed... I call BULLSHIT.
The issue here is a lack of drive/motivation.
Those who have what it takes apply; those who dont make excuses.
And while we are speaking of being under represented in a field/specialty, I want to know why there arent more caucasians in the S1 shop... ;)
This is nothing new in the SOF community, Rangers have already begun recruiting minorities.
Their latest pitch is at 1:26 in this vid.
... The problem as stated by the article is not lack of awareness of SOF, but lack of role models and lack of support from their own communities to apply. Knowing the SEALs exist and what they do aren't the noted issues...
Uh... mike_cos... these are Americans. They're not opening recruitment to the ANA or some shit like that... Have you read Jawbreaker?
Thinking that some "foreign agent" is going to slip through the pipeline is fantasy at best, racebaiting at worst.
So I do know what you mean, but you're off-base.
You're calling bullshit on a claim not being made. The problem as stated by the article is not lack of awareness of SOF, but lack of role models and lack of support from their own communities to apply. Knowing the SEALs exist and what they do aren't the noted issues.
The caucasians lack the administrative/personnel skillz... I don't trust them with my records. ;)
Again, it comes back to a lack of personal drive DD. Those who have it seek out the opportunity...
Furthermore, why do they need race-related role models? Those who have worn the Trident before them (those looking to find a reason) should be enough regardless of race; I know it was for me when I came to SF.
If a guy needs more motivation (outside sources) than that I wouldnt want him in my team room...
I wish I would've know that there were SF guys who lived in trailers as kids. Man, if I would've know that there were people in SF who had so much in common with me, it would've given me the motivation to make it through the Q Course...
Wait, I didn't need any external motivators.
I disagree.
I would posit that there are a tremendous number of role models in the SEALs. That is to say that every SEAL, past and present, is a role model for those interested in entering the NSW community (and for those outside the SOF community as well). Many of these warriors are minorities, and I would bet their contributions to NSW and our national security are disproportionate to the percentage of SEALs they comprise. When the government implies that a role model must look like the person they are to inspire, it is simply perpetuating fallacious thinking. I think this theory also fails to empower people (and isn't that what we're trying to do?) while at the same time injecting bias into the equation.
I also think it's slightly pejorative- we know you could have been a SEAL if only you had someone to look up to, someone who looked like you and that could have lit the fire in your belly... Not only is it demeaning to the potential sailor/SEAL candidate, but it's downright insulting to the number of minority SEALs. They aren't good enough to serve as role models because there aren't enough of them?
As far as lack of support from their own communities is concerned, exactly what communities are we referring to? When I joined the Army, that became my community. When I swore into the police service, the same thing occurred. I'd imagine the same applies to the Navy, and I'm equally certain that most commands support a good sailor's attempt to join the SEALs. I think the notion that a minority sailor requires support from a social group composed of others of his ethnicity is somewhat disingenuous.
Bottom line- we must treat (all) people as persons worthy of respect, and offer the same opportunities to all. Those with the right attributes- the elite- will find their way to SOF (even if they can't swim very well initially).
Don't take this the wrong way, I am curious if you guys have an opinion about why SOF is overwhelmingly white and rural. I think it has to do with rural communities often training skills from an early age that are heavily utilized in SOF. But why don't more minorities apply? Not trying to use a rhetorical device, I really am interested in your opinions.