Nemesis Arms "Vanquish" rifle

Mad boomer

Civil Affairs
Verified SOF
Jan 23, 2012
Scuba diving or fishing
LEO Mentor
I attended SHOTSHOW and didn't find much that was interesting. With the exception of one thing I found absolutely fascinating, the "Vanquish" rifle from Nemesis Arms. I spoke to the owner of the company for over an hour, examined the rifle at length and was very impressed. We will be testing this weapon for two weeks and running it through its paces. I want to see if it in fact does everything the company says it will do. O and here's the really interesting part; you can change the barrel in seconds and change calibers which is done through the use of a locking ring that is hand tightened. The company says it will shoot 1/2 MOA consistently even after barrel changes. The barrel is designed in such as away that the head space is already set and can't be changed. It comes with one caliber barrel of your choice at purchase. You can choose from 5 calibers. The change is completed in less than 30 seconds from one to another. Additional caliber barrels can be purchased at any time. I take delivery on Monday to begin testing. The rifle completely broke down fits inside a brief case or small ballistic backpack. It weighs 12.5 pounds -glass. It takes less than a minute to re-assemble and put steel on steel. It is also fitted with a factory suppressor that can be screwed on by hand in seconds.