New Employee Tracking


Wheelchair Kamikaze
Verified Military
Jun 17, 2017
I know there has been talk of this in the past, but it's here now in full force.

Wisconsin Company Implants Microchips in Employees

You want to talk about privacy and risks of hacking...all your information on an RFID, that doesn't seem wise. At least now you have to hack something, but with this you could just scan someone?
Nah, that company can eat a non-microchipped dick. The idiots who agreed to that practice are so stupid I don't know where to begin. Like...dumber than Rickon Stark.
I actually know an executive at that company. He says religious fanatics have camped outside their HQ and are calling the execs; it's evidently a sign of the beast.

No, f'n thanks! I don't even want to accept a company smartphone. I have no idea why anyone would undertake this for something so temporary - and trival. Somewhat genius on their part much publicity have they gained from this? Again, for me, not a f'n chance.
Eh, this is no different from the people that use their smartphones for everything. The ship of being identified by a piece of technology has long since sailed and people willingly gave up their information for the sake of convenience or social networking. This ain't new.
Eh, this is no different from the people that use their smartphones for everything. The ship of being identified by a piece of technology has long since sailed and people willingly gave up their information for the sake of convenience or social networking. This ain't new.
The hell you say?! They're putting a fuckin' RFID chip in your body. That's very different....unless you leave your hand behind (ala Jamie Lannister style).

But I hear what you're saying on people's willingness to forego personal privacy for convenience. Idiots. Next thing you know, Donald Trump will be President and AI computers will start telling each other secrets...
The hell you say?! They're putting a fuckin' RFID chip in your body. That's very different....unless you leave your hand behind (ala Jamie Lannister style).

But I hear what you're saying on people's willingness to forego personal privacy for convenience. Idiots. Next thing you know, Donald Trump will be President and AI computers will start telling each other secrets...

Cross thread points.
@Blizzard I dunno man, people are pretty much inseparable from their smart phones and electronics and junk. Sure these guys have an RFID tag in their skin, but it's nothing an X-acto knife won't cure. I guess I'm just kinda pessimistic about people, it's akin to them being okay with eating oranges but you show them a tangerine and they're like 'Oh hells nah'.