New Green Tag

Ooh Rah!

Congrats Ranger!

If you are a cigar smoker please send me a PM, I've got quite a collection and have just the one I would love to send you in celebration!
Thank you everyone, I truly appreciate the warm "welcome" into the brotherhood. I am happy but humbled- after spending time with cadre who are no-shit legends I realize now, more than ever, just how much work I have ahead of me. I am looking forward to the stories and experience I will gain in the coming years.

@Ooh-Rah I am an avid cigar smoker, but I couldn't accept such a gift lol. If we ever link up at an SS gathering you can bet I will be bringing some Diamond Crowns!
@DasBoot ... you do realize this now means your leaves for the next few years will be spent meeting others on the board, right? Most of us have beer and seared animal flesh to appease the link-up deities of your choice... You might even get good bourbon, Scotch or Irish Whisky if you visit the right areas.;-):thumbsup:
@DasBoot ... you do realize this now means your leaves for the next few years will be spent meeting others on the board, right? Most of us have beer and seared animal flesh to appease the link-up deities of your choice... You might even get good bourbon, Scotch or Irish Whisky if you visit the right areas.;-):thumbsup:
Did someone say whiskey?! I'll definitely be looking forward to linking up with everyone in the coming years. I'll bring the cigars.