Officer or Enlisted route - NSW


Aug 19, 2012
Hey guys,
Basically I'm 17 at the moment - as you can see on my profile- I'm in my final year of High School, and I'm choosing as to whether I should enlist or go the Officer route. I've spoken to several former SEALs, and the Officers have said that going the Officer route is more beneficial to yourself in the long run whereas Enlisted Men have suggested the idea of going the enlisted route and then eventually putting your papers in for OCS.
My concern is not the title but rather that I want to be able to "be in the fight" as long as I can, and still operate effectively. From what I understand, SEAL Officers are limited to roughly 5 years at the Platoon level before they move on (it even says that on - but the Officers I've spoken to have claimed that is complete BS that men can still serve on operations up until the O-5 Level. Needless to say, the enlisted men completely agree with the statement above - that being Officers are limited to roughly five years.
And that certain opportunities would not be afforded to me, from what I've read rarely can Officers attend Sniper school, (and all due respect, and in no way shape or form am I trying to offend anyone nor am I trying to violate OPSEC) if I wanted to "Operate" - a term that should restricted to a certain group of individuals - I won't nearly spend as much time "Operating" as an Officer as I would an enlisted man. Is any of this true? Again, I understand If I am violating OPSEC I completely understand why this would be deleted - and I apologize if I am.
I know that there are former and current NSW Operators on this site like Lykurgus and SAWMAN - you guys have been there and done that, I have nothing but respect for you guys if you could help me out I'd really appreciate it.
- Deadpool
Didn't you already ask this HERE...

If you don't mind me asking, and as far as SEAL Teams go, how long can an Officer stay operational at the Platoon level? If I happen to become a SEAL, I would want to serve as much time as humanly possible on the tactical side of it - if I went the Officer route would I have a significant amount of time to serve on the Platoon level? Thanks, any advice is appreciated.

You've also said twice (in the same thread) that there is something preventing you from enlisting.
I would prefer to enlist, but there's a reason as to why I'm not.

I would much rather enlist to be frank, It's just that there is a situation that is in a way "restricting" me.

You're not giving us the whole story, you're asking the same question over again and you're contradicting yourself. You should be focused on graduating HS right now.
Didn't you already ask this HERE...

You've also said twice (in the same thread) that there is something preventing you from enlisting.

You're not giving us the whole story, you're asking the same question over again and you're contradicting yourself. You should be focused on graduating HS right now.

I'm sorry, and I'm not trying to fool anyone I don't have a criminal record or something ridiculous - basically it came down to my family being allright financially and no offense, it's just a little personal for me not exactly something I want to discuss on an open forum. Something happened recently, so in other words - my family isn't exactly in any financial trouble therefore I have the option to enlist.

I didn't mean to offend you, and I'm sorry if I did.
Appeal to emotion...nice.

A true hero, but you gotta be OIC eventually, no matter your warfare community.
Getting a slot at BUD/S as an officer is VERY competitive. We typically pick up only a handful of guys a year. You had better have an outstanding GPA, be a PT monster, and speak a critical language. Also, as an officer you only get one shot at BUD/S. The odds are not in your favor. As an enlisted guy you will get to spend more time doing platoons. Keep in mind even as an enlisted guy, you will eventually get pushed to more mission planning big picture type stuff as you pick up rank. Nobody can ever take a college degree away from you and will be useful for when you get out of the military...take that as you like.
Getting a slot at BUD/S as an officer is VERY competitive. We typically pick up only a handful of guys a year. You had better have an outstanding GPA, be a PT monster, and speak a critical language. Also, as an officer you only get one shot at BUD/S. The odds are not in your favor. As an enlisted guy you will get to spend more time doing platoons. Keep in mind even as an enlisted guy, you will eventually get pushed to more mission planning big picture type stuff as you pick up rank. Nobody can ever take a college degree away from you and will be useful for when you get out of the military...take that as you like.
If I enlist, and hypothetically somewhere down the line I want to 'cross over to the dark side' and become an Officer - how hard is it to get orders to OCS?
I meant nothing wrong by my comment. Just a failed attempt at a joke (Hurr don't call me sir, I work for a living-kinda thing)

All kidding aside, I admire some of the phenomenal work that officers have done and the leadership burden that they are asked to carry is a heavy yoke no matter who they are.

Also, Mattis 2016. Just sayin'.
I will say this...if you have hopes of working at an alphabet soup agency should you not make the .mil your career, that degree will go a long way, even more so than just a pure enlisted experience, SOF or otherwise.
If I enlist, and hypothetically somewhere down the line I want to 'cross over to the dark side' and become an Officer - how hard is it to get orders to OCS?

If you are a squared away SEAL, then getting orders to OCS or doing STA-21 is not that difficult. Realize though that you will be competing with other SEALs for a SPECWAR slot in STA-21 or getting a shot at OCS. The only pick up 1 or 2 guys a year for STA-21 SPECWAR option.
What is the process of going WO in the SEAL community? What sort of duties are expected of a SEAL WO?
What is the process of going WO in the SEAL community? What sort of duties are expected of a SEAL WO?

You have to be a Chief first to apply to WO. Warrant Officers are non-operational and typically serve at our training commands.