Old Greg

irish greg

Verified Military
Nov 23, 2022
Greetings -

I decided to post on here and see who bites. I am currently an infantry officer (Senior CPT) looking at transitioning over to cyber branch. I started to do a lot of hack the box/ctf exercises, became kind of a hacking enthusiast, listening to pod casts, and eventually started working towards my Offensive Security Cert Professional (OSCP). I plan to VTIP next year so I can continue to strengthen my technical packet. I am just curious if there were any mentors/ advice from guys who knows of cyber officers working in SOF. I am also open to any suggestions on how I can continue to strengthen my technical resume before I VTIP in May of next year. Any advice for enablers in general. I have a deep passion for offensive cyber operations, so I am trying to network or set conditions before I make the jump. If anyone wants to DM, please do! Thanks!


You should check out Key Terrain Cyber's fellowship program. It's a relatively new site but has a lot of potential. It pairs research fellows (company grade officers and NCOS) with senior fellows (field grade officers and senior SNCOs) to develop essays on cyber and information warfare. It's run by an infantry officer who later lat-moved to cyber and commanded a CMT. Here is a link to their company grade officer research fellowship. https://keyterraincyber.com/key-terrain-cyber-2nd-lt-j-p-blecksmith-research-fellows/