The 75th Ranger Regiment conducted parachute assaults into Panama at Torrijos-Tocumen and Rio Hato Airfields during Operation Just Cause. After months of failed diplomacy, a failed election and several events directed against U.S. personnel, President George H. W. Bush directed the initiation of Operation Just Cause. At 1 a.m. local time, Rangers jumped in at 500 feet and conducted combat assaults on the International Airport at Torrijos-Tocumen and the smaller airfield at Rio Hato.
The 75th Ranger Regiment lost five men during combat operations in support of Operation Just Cause:
Pfc. James Markwell
Pfc. John Price
Staff Sgt. Larry Bernard
Spc. Phillip Lear
Pfc. Roy Brown, Jr.
It is also the date when the US Army conducted one of the most succesful hostage rescue operations - Acid Gambit.