Operation Urgent Fury, 25 Oct 1983

I sat on Green ramp for hours that morning just to be told we would not be needed. :uhh:

Rest easy Rangers, Paratroopers, SEALs and Marines. :(
Point Salines, Grand Anse, St. Georges, True Blue, Callvigny and even Grenada itself.....places never heard of until then. Now, places of honor for those who came when called upon, and for those who found their final resting place while answering the call. America actually found itself taking pride back into the military after so many turned their backs during and after Viet Nam. Damn shame how some things work their place in history, but worked well in the end.
Spent an hour with one of the guys who lost his legs in the friendly fire incident today; we are gonna hook up again next week and share photos, should be interesting.
It was a confusing time. If you remember, there were also some things going on in Beirut at the same time. My father called, and caught me at a rare moment at my apt (a couple of hours to do laundry.....) and was surprised that I wasn't in Lebanon. I couldn't tell him where I was going the next day.........

As I've said in other threads, that op changed the way we train, and, more imprtantly, communicate.
It was a confusing time. If you remember, there were also some things going on in Beirut at the same time. My father called, and caught me at a rare moment at my apt (a couple of hours to do laundry.....) and was surprised that I wasn't in Lebanon. I couldn't tell him where I was going the next day.........

As I've said in other threads, that op changed the way we train, and, more imprtantly, communicate.

You must have been over at Pope around the same time I was. I think we started loadout around 1700 day before H hour.
You must have been over at Pope around the same time I was. I think we started loadout around 1700 day before H hour.

Yeah, I was around. Being Corps intel, we had a lot of latitude to move around. :evil: I was a promotable Specialist (RetPara can vouch for that). We had a new Soldier in the unit, a Sergeant First Class right out of the school house. He had been one of my instructors. At that point, I became his instructructor. Larry was a great guy, and a very willing student. :)