"...inside Afghanistan.
bwahahahahaha, good one Pakistan.

Yep, the only way you're going to be able to do that is to invade and occupy parts of western Afghanistan. I guess we better get on that. Maybe we can take that billion dollars in bribes... I mean "foreign aid" that we're giving Pakistan to pacify their country, and just do it for them.
bwahahahahaha, good one Pakistan.
Pakistan has criticized NATO and Afghan forces for not doing enough to stop the attacks,

Yep, the only way you're going to be able to do that is to invade and occupy parts of western Afghanistan. I guess we better get on that. Maybe we can take that billion dollars in bribes... I mean "foreign aid" that we're giving Pakistan to pacify their country, and just do it for them.

but it has received little sympathy. The Afghan government and its allies have long faulted Pakistan for failing to target Afghan Taliban militants and their allies who use Pakistani territory to launch attacks in Afghanistan.