PCSing to Ft Campbell


Cool By Association
Verified SOF
Oct 18, 2008
I just got my orders to report to green platoon and wanted to know of any good places to live for a reasonable price. Me and the wife are expecting a little one soon so I want use living in a cramped space. Something close to the compound and in between the green platoon area would be nice. Any help that you all could give me would be much appreciated, thanks !

I haven't been there in about 30 years, but my cousin's gonna run a survival course out there, and just moved in. His Mama told me he said Hoptown was the place to go to get a decent house.
Oak Grove is close, but it is the typical off post town.... Stay clear, unless you need to

There are alot of great places in Hopkinsville, and Clarksville. Stay clear of New Providence (In Clarksville) in town.

When will you be reporting?

Let me know, and PM me, I will try to help you out.

Good Luck

p.s. I live less than 10 mins from Campbell.
Best bet is to find a sponsor with the 160th FRG...

Once they know you're coming, are married, and have a little one, they would be the most help.


Hopkinsville is good because you can use the back gate to get onto the compound and it saves a lot of driving time. On the other hand, there's no state tax in the state of Tennessee...

I am alittle worried my unit is going into oh shit mode and trying to stop loss me and a buddy from reporting to 160th. Is there any chance they could fuck me and stop my orders ?
I was only half-kidding about the household goods thing. I don't know what the policy is in your unit, but I remember that when we were getting stoplossed/stopmoved right and left a couple of years ago, the cutoff was if you had shipped household goods you could go; otherwise, it was back to Iraq with you.

caveat: do the right thing though; don't screw your unit and make sure you're not screwing yourself. It would suck if you shipped all your crap and your unit made you stay anyway ;)
I mean I have trying to leave the unit for a year nowjust want to miss out on a great opportunity. My child will be born in or around june-july time frame too . I want to be there for the unit but I feel I need to do me on this one.
Well... after beating my head against wall and doing PT till I puke, I decided now matter what happens I still want to go to GP when I come back. ( That's if they make me go) Becoming a part of 160th has always been a goal of mine and now I feel as if I NEED this to become a better soldier and all around person. I just can't believe my unit was trying to be so slick about and not tell us about the stop loss date until we wouldn't have enough time to leave if we could. But I guess everything happens for a reason and must be in his plan, so I can't be mad at that.
I just moved from that area not to long ago... Hop-Town is by far the premier choice for housing, ESPECIALLY if you're married with kids. They just opened up the new 4lane section between the Walmart and Interstate, now getting on or to the back gate, there is essentially no traffic.

The ride to and from work allows just enough time to get in the zone.:D:2c:
Hope this helps....
I got the official word that my unit has NO choice but to let me leave LOL. So I have been making all my appointments for clearing Bragg and I am hyped about going to GP. Soo...HAPPY DAYS !!!
That's a loophole I never heard of before. I guess once your stuff is enroute, it's like a fait accompli.

Yeah, that was the big joke during stoploss/stop move, if you get your HHGs shipped, you're golden. Dudes were getting orders and making arrangements with transportation right away; in their minds, it was better an empty house than being stuck in the unit past their DEROS/PCS date.
Well... after beating my head against wall and doing PT till I puke, I decided now matter what happens I still want to go to GP when I come back. ( That's if they make me go) Becoming a part of 160th has always been a goal of mine and now I feel as if I NEED this to become a better soldier and all around person. I just can't believe my unit was trying to be so slick about and not tell us about the stop loss date until we wouldn't have enough time to leave if we could. But I guess everything happens for a reason and must be in his plan, so I can't be mad at that.

The Regiment will still be there we you get back, and they'll always need good people. Stay sharp and focused on your job and future plans. Good luck!
welp we made here to clarksville and I must admit I like it WAY better than fayetteville. Now all that is left is GP...bring it on :)