Poser At Work Claims To Have Been Sniper


Verified Military
Dec 5, 2006
People's Republic of Maryland
I work with a guy who was a Navy Corpsman who claims he was only the second Corpsman to go through and graduate from the Marines Scout Sniper School. He was NOT assigned to a SEAL Team but talks some mad smack about deployments, etc. I WILL NOT out this dude, just want clarification for my benefit.
One of the reasons I raise the BS flag is we were talking about weapons he handled as a Corpsman. The M240G came up, the replacement for the M-60 and I asked him if it was still 7.62? He said, "No much bigger, more like a .50 cal round"!:eek: Now that really made me think that he was talking some smack because if he did go through the Sniper School he should darn sure know the size difference between a .308 and .50 cal.
One of the reasons I raise the BS flag is we were talking about weapons he handled as a Corpsman. The M240G came up, the replacement for the M-60 and I asked him if it was still 7.62? He said, "No much bigger, more like a .50 cal round"!:eek: Now that really made me think that he was talking some smack because if he did go through the Sniper School he should darn sure know the size difference between a .308 and .50 cal.

Then you already have your answer, the guy is a liar.
He and I have very high level security clearances and so far I am the ONLY person that I am aware of that he has spun this yarn to.I wonder if he put this tall tale in his SF86 when for his background check? When he made the slip about the M240G I had not told him I was a former USAF Security Policeman. If I hear him tell this to anyone I will out him, ask him for the course date, #, etc.
the medic in my current recon unit was Buds, HALO, marine force recon, and went through scout sniper school as a marine corpsman. Its not impossible but if hes that level of professional i would find it very hard to believe that he doesn't know what caliber the 240G/H/B is... thats ridiculous.
the medic in my current recon unit was Buds, HALO, marine force recon, and went through scout sniper school as a marine corpsman. Its not impossible but if hes that level of professional i would find it very hard to believe that he doesn't know what caliber the 240G/H/B is... thats ridiculous.

I KNOW he is a HUGE BS artist, a pretty boy who likes to talk a bunch of smack. When we were working security together 98% of the people we worked with had never been in the Military, so it was easy for him to B.S his way around them.
I KNOW he is a HUGE BS artist, a pretty boy who likes to talk a bunch of smack. When we were working security together 98% of the people we worked with had never been in the Military, so it was easy for him to B.S his way around them.

Every now and then you find those people... An 18D I worked with who did two years on CAG spoke of a guy that came to their group who supposedly was never longtabed ever. Well he regularly showed his ass during training due to his lack of training. Sooner or later they pulled his file and did some scratching to reveal that he was never through the Q course. He tried out and failed in phase 1. He was prosecuted and sent to Leavenworth KS. Its frustrating when you run into those people but sooner or later thier lies will catch up with them and they will be ousted.

A guy in my unit now walked into the sniper section room and was telling me how he could hit a 5" plate at 1000m. I said even under zero atmospheric conditions that would be a hard feat to accomplish. He insisted on it. I called him a liar and soon the entire unit realized he was a douche bag. He was also wearing the SOF spade combat patch but it turned out that he was never even deployed. He had to wear an old tanker helmet around for the next few days with alot of medals on his chest. He was transfered out soon later. It was funny though.:)
Honestly if you really wanted to bust his balls just ask him some technical data like what scope did you guys use back then? (probably the steel Unertl) Or is the m40 a long action or a short action? (short action) or whatever else. Any technical data would trip him up and then you could call his shit and tell him to get fucked
Once I told him I was prior service he STFU about being a sniper. He has talked so much BS to me that if he told me it was raining I would walk outside and get wet before I believed him.

I used to do Bounty Hunting a few years back and one of the guys I worked with was a brother USAF Security Policeman, AD assigned to a local ANG Base. Nice guy but he always bragged about being a former Marine and was a Scout/Sniper in the Corps, even had a tattoo on one of his forearms.

I got out of the business and got a call from him one afternoon, seems he LIED about being a sniper and the AF got wind of it and was jamming his butt up over it. He wanted me to send a notarized letter to his CSF, Chief of Security Forces, stating how good of a dude he was, etc, etc. I told him no freaking way, brother Skycops do NOT lie to each other and he wanted me to help his butt out.

Found out a short time after that he got jammed up by the Feds, seems ICE was contracting out pick-ups of illegals to local bail bondsman. The fake sniper got jammed up with several others because they snatched up an illegal Mexican, took him to a hotel, and held him for ransom. Not sure how many years he got for that stunt, but showed what a real POS he was!!!