Presidential First 90 Days Thread


Sep 12, 2012
what do you think/want him to do the first 90 days?

- overturn specific executive orders
- revisit women/military policies
- continue to go after Hilary
- Lift/increase specific sanctions
- etc.

Please try to keep the "resign" etc comments to a minimum. We've got a pretty intelligent group here, I'm genuinely interested in your opinions and thoughts.
I would like to see an investigation into Hillary, led by newly appointed AG Trey Gowdy. I would then like to see a repeal, or at least a temporary halt to, Obamacare. After those two things, I would like to see him settle into the Office and get a lay of the land, listen to his advisors, and start working on all the other things he promised to the American people. As TLDR20 said a couple times, there's no one else to blame now. The Trump administration was voted for because it promised to stop the elitism and advocate for working-class Americans again. I want to see that genuinely happen.
I'd like to see him burn the VA to the ground and turn that bucket of fail around. It won't be overnight, but something has to change. I'd like to see him repeal NAFTA and the TPP. I'd like to see him curtail the H1B visa program, especially where IT is concerned. I'd like to see him call Iraq/ Syria for what it is and stop this childish "no boots on the ground" shit or ignoring those pesky self-described "lines in the sand." Obviously I'd like to see him tell Pakistan to eat a dick and tell the Afghans we wish them luck in their future endeavors.

All-in-all, I want to see the economy improve. We can talk about war and social injustice, but if the economy's strong people can roll with a lot of crap. Does it make it right? Probably not, but I think some of our problems will naturally self-correct if the economy's strong.

Also, deport Blair Walsh and ban Nickelback. Fuck those guys.
Another investigation into Hillary might be unwise. It would be seen as kicking a dog when it's down. Her dream of power has been crushed yet again and further persecution would smack of retaliation at a time when conciliation is needed. (Incidentally, I think Obama will pardon her). I would also hope that Trump rises to the occasion and presents a more dignified front as befitting the office. It would also help if he becomes more circumspect before opening his mouth.

Other than that, after eight years of what I consider wimpy leadership, I'm hopeful he will restore respect for America's strength as Reagan did post-Carter.
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In no particular order.....

1. Reverse EOs.
2. Revisit women in combat arms and all other mil policy
3. Revisit Syria/ISIS/Iraq.
4. Economy, economy, economy.....
5. Immigration reform/border security
6. Constitutionally-sound SCOTUS appointments

I am all for an indep counsel to investigate Hillary, Inc., but would like to see it as an independent counsel and take the DOJ/AG out of it.
Trump won and I accept his presidency. My first concern is his cabinet: who is he going to appoint to senior positions? I haven't heard any definitive answers, but speculation is that New Gingrich is going to be tapped for SoS (ugh), Giuliani for AG (less ugh), Jeff Sessions for SECDEF (okay), some random Goldman Sachs guy for treasury (sure), Forrest Lucas of Lucas Oil for Interior (okay). I also heard that Sarah fucking Palin was being considered for Interior, which would be pants-on-head stupid, but it's still just a rumor.

I'll post some more stuff about policy issues later.
Stopping Obamacare would do what, take away insurance to millions of people? Or would they get to keep coverage while they figure out how to replace it?
Another investigation into Hillary might be unwise. It would be seen as kicking a dog when it's down. Her dream of power has been crushed yet again and further persecution would smack of retaliation at a time when conciliation is needed. (Incidentally, I think Obama will pardon her). I would also hope that Trump rises to the occasion and presents a more dignified front as befitting the office. It would also help if he becomes more circumspect before opening his mouth.

Other than that, after eight years of what I consider wimpy leadership, I'm hopeful he will restore respect for America's strength as Reagan did post-Carter.

Does she have to be indicted to receive a pardon? Do pardon's have to be specific to a crime?
Stopping Obamacare would do what, take away insurance to millions of people? Or would they get to keep coverage while they figure out how to replace it?

Does she have to be indicted to receive a pardon? Do pardon's have to be specific to a crime?

I was mistaken in my assumption that she'd even be eligible for a Presidential pardon. Pardons are for people convicted of federal crimes. She hasn't been convicted of any so a pardon wouldn't enter the equation. And a person can't be pardoned in advance for a conviction that hasn't happened yet.
Trump won and I accept his presidency. My first concern is his cabinet: who is he going to appoint to senior positions? I haven't heard any definitive answers, but speculation is that New Gingrich is going to be tapped for SoS (ugh), Giuliani for AG (less ugh), Jeff Sessions for SECDEF (okay), some random Goldman Sachs guy for treasury (sure), Forrest Lucas of Lucas Oil for Interior (okay). I also heard that Sarah fucking Palin was being considered for Interior, which would be pants-on-head stupid, but it's still just a rumor.

I'll post some more stuff about policy issues later.

I could see Palin at Interior, theoretically. From being governor of Alaska I think she would have a pretty good read on that, she understands how the states and NPS/Interior collaborate. I do not get warm fuzzies on Gingrich for SoS, but I could see Giuliani for AG. I COULD see Gingrich for Chief of Staff. I think Trump's picks for cabinet and SCOTUS are extraordinarily important, and if he could appoint some good and knowledgeable SMEs that are democrats that would go a long way in assuaging some fears.
I'd like to see him burn the VA to the ground and turn that bucket of fail around. It won't be overnight, but something has to change. I'd like to see him repeal NAFTA and the TPP. I'd like to see him curtail the H1B visa program, especially where IT is concerned. I'd like to see him call Iraq/ Syria for what it is and stop this childish "no boots on the ground" shit or ignoring those pesky self-described "lines in the sand." Obviously I'd like to see him tell Pakistan to eat a dick and tell the Afghans we wish them luck in their future endeavors.

All-in-all, I want to see the economy improve. We can talk about war and social injustice, but if the economy's strong people can roll with a lot of crap. Does it make it right? Probably not, but I think some of our problems will naturally self-correct if the economy's strong.

Also, deport Blair Walsh and ban Nickelback. Fuck those guys.

I was onboard until you went "Democrat" on the greatest musical sensation since Spinal Tap.

All the SESes at the VA should go through a Hunger Games-esque job retention format. Those that don't make the cut be hit with gross negligence "charges" from HR so we will never see them again within the USG.
I was mistaken in my assumption that she'd even be eligible for a Presidential pardon. Pardons are for people convicted of federal crimes. She hasn't been convicted of any so a pardon wouldn't enter the equation. And a person can't be pardoned in advance for a conviction that hasn't happened yet.

Apparently the law stipulates that POTUS can issue pardons pre-indictment. In Murphy vs. Ford (1975) , a Federal District Court in Michigan rejected a suit for a declaratory judgment that President Ford's unconditional pardon of Richard M. Nixon was unconstitutional. The court found that the President had the constitutional power to grant a pre-indictment pardon, citing Ex parte Garland (1867) in its support.

No, I am not even good enough to be a sea lawyer...I just googled it :)
Apparently the law stipulates that POTUS can issue pardons pre-indictment. In Murphy vs. Ford (1975) , a Federal District Court in Michigan rejected a suit for a declaratory judgment that President Ford's unconditional pardon of Richard M. Nixon was unconstitutional. The court found that the President had the constitutional power to grant a pre-indictment pardon, citing Ex parte Garland (1867) in its support.

No, I am not even good enough to be a sea lawyer...I just googled it :)

My google-fu lacks your Dragon Power but my Tiger Strength is strong when the moon is full.
I could see Palin at Interior, theoretically. From being governor of Alaska I think she would have a pretty good read on that, she understands how the states and NPS/Interior collaborate. I do not get warm fuzzies on Gingrich for SoS, but I could see Giuliani for AG. I COULD see Gingrich for Chief of Staff. I think Trump's picks for cabinet and SCOTUS are extraordinarily important, and if he could appoint some good and knowledgeable SMEs that are democrats that would go a long way in assuaging some fears.
This is a good point that I hadn't considered. Palin could conceivably do well in a non-public cabinet position. I'd prefer a conservationist, but as the former governor of a state like Alaska, she might just be fit for the Interior position. Agree on Gingrich for CoS as well.
I was mistaken in my assumption that she'd even be eligible for a Presidential pardon. Pardons are for people convicted of federal crimes. She hasn't been convicted of any so a pardon wouldn't enter the equation. And a person can't be pardoned in advance for a conviction that hasn't happened yet.

Nixon wasn't convicted either. I think that "pre-pardoning" her looks like partisan cronyism, but there is a precedent for doing so.
I'd like to see the rebuilding of the military NOT center around increasing manpower.

eta- and not involve a new camouflage pattern.
There is always a division between what an elected official says to gain office and what they do once there. I see no reason that this will be any different. The news this morning was he had a longer than usual meeting with POTUS my feeling is he'll be engaged with the issues, he may not get all he wants but what pollie does?
There is always a division between what an elected official says to gain office and what they do once there. I see no reason that this will be any different. The news this morning was he had a longer than usual meeting with POTUS my feeling is he'll be engaged with the issues, he may not get all he wants but what pollie does?

Yeah and he's already deleted a bunch of the contentious issues off of his site.
Not necessarily a Trump administration request but a Congressional one, I'd like to see Congress pass a law banning Executive Orders and for Trump to sign it. Doing so gets us back closer to the spirit of the Constitution and may help remove some of the jackassery in DC. However, doing so would require a spine and I'm not sure we're there yet.

I'd also like to see the start of an IRS and federal tax overhaul as well as the beginnings of repeal/rework of the abomination known as Obamacare.

Would also like to see open arms extended to our long-time allies and begin patching up all the Obama miscues there when it comes to foreign policy; Israel comes to top of mind.

What I don't want to see is any bullshit legislation or even discussion around social issues; ie gay marriage, drug legalization, etc.

That'd be a hell of a good start in the first 90 days.