Presidential First 90 Days Thread

Well now so am I, kinda. My buddy (who is an Army awyer) claims he is the real life version of every over-the-top stereotype of a warmongering General you have ever seen in any move or TV show.

Now the good Captain is also a self proclaimed liberal who voted for Hillary so I have to question his bias just a bit.

I wonder if your buddy actually worked with Flynn, or is repeating political tropes. I worked for Flynn at JSOC and then had dealings with him both during my year at DIA and later in grad school. I didn't think he was any of those things.
@Marauder06 -

I did ask him that. His opinion is based on what "he's heard" from other officers who claimed to have worked with General Flynn and observations of seeing him on CNN/Fox. Truth be told I was not at all familiar with him but did like this:

Flynn, 57, entered the Army in the early 1980s. In 2012, he was tapped by President Obama to serve as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Flynn was fired from that position in 2014, amid reports that his views and management style were disruptive and chaotic.

In a column published in the New York Post earlier this year, Flynn said he was fired because of his stance on “radical Islamism and the expansion of al Qaeda.”

Who is Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn?
Sessions was also only one of two individuals denied a federal judge position by a REPUBLICAN congress due to his on-record racist comments.
Are you parroting or have you actually researched this?

Sessions filed desegration law suits in Alabama and prosecuted and PUT TO DEATH a Klan member for killing a black person.

There were no comments made on record, the claims came from a letter written by a former assistant attorney who was later indicted on bribery charges.
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Dems continue to eat their own young.

President Obama’s loyalists, uneasy with the progressive Ellison, have begun casting about for an alternative.

White House unsure about Rep. Keith Ellison heading Democratic National Committee

Had Hillary won, there is a zero-point-zero chance this would even be an issue- but I kinda-sorta applaud the Dems for stopping to pause for a moment.

Being from Minnesota, Keith Ellison is our local Al Sharpton - if there is an anti-police or BLM rally, you can be sure to see him standing front and center for a photo opp and mic time.

From the article, but still fresh in my mind are these fun facts about Mr. Ellison.

But along with his inability to do the job full-time and his ties to Sanders, Ellison’s past criticism of Obama and praise for Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader, worry some Democrats looking for a figure to lead the opposition to Trump.

Ellison, a Muslim, defended Farrakhan in the 1990s, saying he was “not an anti-Semite,” and has positioned himself on the left flank of congressional Democrats on Israel.

Yeah, after what just happened I am sure this is who they want the face of their party to be. :rolleyes:
Ellison, Ventura, Bachmann, the Vikings....Jesus Christ, can we give that state to the Canadians?