Presidential First 90 Days Thread

Where do you get these wonderful cartoons!?

Last couple of days has been pretty normal for any other presidential election winner- walking back his more aggressive promises, deleting them from his website, softening on Obamacare and prosecuting Hillary.

Maybe he didn't mean drain the swamp, maybe Pres Elect Trump meant replace some of the water in the swamp?

ETA- You drain a swamp, not a swam.

In the Trump administration, the swam drain YOU. ;)
Have y'all seen his 100 day plan?
Sign the Contract
I specifically like term limits, lobbyist rules, no funding to illegal immigrant cities, temporarily suspending terrorist country immigration, the offshore act, and new tariffs.
I am NOT happy with his selections for administration and staff picks. Has there been any that don't have a history of hateful anti-lgbt comments?
Anyone have anything good to say about the decision to bring on Bannon?

I thought he would surround himself with "good"/"qualified" people.
Anyone have anything good to say about the decision to bring on Bannon?

I thought he would surround himself with "good"/"qualified" people.

I really don't know who he is. Apparently the media is calling him a white nationalist, whatever the hell that means. Is that some kind of white supremacy thing, or that he is white and a nationalist?

The media outlet he was running (Breit Bart?) always came off as click bait too me. But other than that, I can't really comment with any knowledge, other than obviously I don't support a white supremacist in the Trump administration, if that is in fact what he is.
Anyone have anything good to say about the decision to bring on Bannon?

I thought he would surround himself with "good"/"qualified" people.

I'm not very happy with his choices so far, but he has a lot of cabinet picks left to go.
What about Giuliani? I could see him as being an ok pick...maybe.

You know brother, there is something about that man that I have never liked. The only problem is...I can't tell you what it is...if I tried, I would have to make it up, but personal feelings aside, I just don't see him as SoS. Again, not really sure why!
I was really pissed initially that his first pick was as insider as it gets with the RNC chairman, but I read on to the justification, and it did make a lot of sense. Trump is fairly on the outside and likely has little Congressional pull outside of appealing to the media, populism, and his new pulpit. In light of that, bringing in a super insider like Preibus to advance his Congressional agenda does make a lot of sense. It doesn't necessarily mean that he's immediately giving in to insiders as much as he is positioning himself to benefit from their connections. At least, that's how I'm rationalizing it right now. Whether thats how it will shake out remains to be seen. Regarding Bannon, "supposedly" Trump likes to have opposite spectrum advisors below him to battle it out and find the best option. That also shall remain to be seen.
I was really pissed initially that his first pick was as insider as it gets with the RNC chairman, but I read on to the justification, and it did make a lot of sense. Trump is fairly on the outside and likely has little Congressional pull outside of appealing to the media, populism, and his new pulpit. In light of that, bringing in a super insider like Preibus to advance his Congressional agenda does make a lot of sense. It doesn't necessarily mean that he's immediately giving in to insiders as much as he is positioning himself to benefit from their connections. At least, that's how I'm rationalizing it right now. Whether thats how it will shake out remains to be seen. Regarding Bannon, "supposedly" Trump likes to have opposite spectrum advisors below him to battle it out and find the best option. That also shall remain to be seen.

I want to believe this and it ties in with my earlier post. I think the RNC is rudderless so Preibus appears to be the wrong guy for the job. Of course, Tom Coughlin was considered garbage by the Jaguars and went on to win a Super Bowl or two. Maybe he was the right guy in the wrong place. Bannon and Breitbart? I can't stand Breitbart. Maybe he found the right guys for the job, but I'll remain skeptical until they start producing.
I want to believe this and it ties in with my earlier post. I think the RNC is rudderless so Preibus appears to be the wrong guy for the job. Of course, Tom Coughlin was considered garbage by the Jaguars and went on to win a Super Bowl or two. Maybe he was the right guy in the wrong place. Bannon and Breitbart? I can't stand Breitbart. Maybe he found the right guys for the job, but I'll remain skeptical until they start producing.

I don't know much about either one, and those particular selections could very well end up sucking more dick than a crackwhore behind a truck stop, especially given your points about the current state of the GOP. I just think his rationale behind Preibus is a little more thought out than a lot of people are giving him credit for. Breitbart founder? I think he could have done way better, but I just figure he wants to maintain a high-profilish outsider type to assuage his base of the electorate while hearing from polar opposites of the conservative spectrum. If I may speculate, he probably met him during his time at Goldman Sachs. I doubt it would take too much digging to find their connection.
I've been Googling and coming up with zero so far - trying to determine if the perceived shit show that his transition team is broadcasting is normal, or a precursor of what's to come.

To add - typical CEO - delegate and follow up. Example: Putting VP in charge of running transition