PTSD-Getting the Word Out


Verified Military
Sep 17, 2012
Canada-American by Birth
Hey everyone.

I am career law enforcement, a veteran and veterans advocate here in Canada and am ex USAF and still a proud American. I command a post in Toronto for the 29th Division Association, president of the 8th AFHS, and very active with US vets in Canada and work with Canadian Forces members and veterans as well.
Some of you may know, 8 Canadian soldiers have committed suicide in the last month here. For Canada, it's pretty significant. We are a band of brothers and sisters working together to help each other on both sides of the border.
I hope this is the appropriate place to post my blog, because I am making my struggle with PTSD a public one, hopefully to influence others in this quiet and keep-your-head-down country. Not a slam on my Canadian people, it's just that way and I love these crazy Canucks, especially my bros and sisters in the CF.

I am NOT nor ever have been SOF. I had a pretty uneventful time in the USAF. I have however been involved with other things in other places. Like the line in the movie "Full Metal Jacket" , I quote,
"I've been in the shit too, can't say I liked it much."
I do work from time to time with past and present operators. I was listening to Tom Spooner of SOF radio and felt motivated to do my part to help others with PTSD. Feel free to forward or share my blog, or not, and throw your two cents in bad or good.