
Sep 24, 2018
Hey so quick question my recruiter gave me a little bit of doubt on whether he thinks I will get through PULHES in my medical evaluation to become a TACP. In the past I had partial removal of my meniscus removal back in 2011 when I played college football I was cleared to play 2 weeks after surgery because there was nothing that was repaired so there was nothing that I was risking re injury. The last thing was in 2014 where I broke my 5th metatarsal (bone on the outside of my foot). They put a screw in the bone to reinforce it, I played my senior year on it and had no problems with either injury. The screw isn't in any joints so that won't disqualify me. I understand that a score of 3 requires a medical waiver. If anyone can shed some light if they had previous injuries and how they got rated that would be perfect thanks.