I read on here and various other places that SF and Rangers have distinct cultures. I was hoping someone could elaborate on that for me. Also, I will provide some info on me to perhaps gain some insight from you all on where I best belong. I think I'm drawn more to the missions of Rangers and Delta with conducting DA. I don't have a huge desire to train people. However, I love the fact that SF works in small units and is very autonomous. I also thrive on being given responsibility and engaging in problem solving. I'm aware of the fact that some of the brightest people in the Army serve within SF and not to sound cocky but I consider myself pretty intelligent. It seems that the Rangers stress more traditional pt such as running and push ups whereas SF is focused on rucking and land navigation as the most important physical elements. I'm eager to get downrange since I've been missing out for the past 5 1/2 years so I realize Rangers would let me jump in to the spec ops world rather quickly and see how I like it and get deployed soon. SF on the other hand would require 1 1/2 to 2 years of training. Sorry for the long rant. Feel free to offer any input.