Re: Deletion of Star Wars Thread

Well, there is an updated "rick" here...hopefully this will keep me out of trouble and back in the good graces of those I may have crossed...

I think the mod was referring to how **************

MOD EDIT, don't post dead links.
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So, with the rule of two in mind. I predict Binks as the unforeseen Sith Master, Luke going to the dark side as apprentice. Binks being the common with the Skywalker family, moving in the shadows converting them to the dark side. Started with Anakin, moving onto Luke. Binks is the true Sith Master. Darth Sidious is merely a decoy.

So, with the rule of two in mind. I predict Binks as the unforeseen Sith Master, Luke going to the dark side as apprentice. Binks being the common with the Skywalker family, moving in the shadows converting them to the dark side. Started with Anakin, moving onto Luke. Binks is the true Sith Master. Darth Sidious is merely a decoy.

View attachment 14462
The theory actually makes way more sense than it should
Darth Jar Jar
The theory actually makes way more sense than it should
Darth Jar Jar

In all honesty, didn't even know about the conspiracy. Literally just rambled about it after watching the trailer @Ooh-Rah shared.

We all know the truth now, Binks is the evil in the shadows. He is the Master and we are all his pawns.

If and or when they reveal Binks as the Sith Master, I hope there is some Nickelback music in the background.