Rep 63 contract literature


Feb 9, 2019
I’ll keep this short—-I signed a contract with the closest state that has an SF NG unit. 8 hrs away

—> my contract doesn’t say rep 63 anywhere. It states 11B, osut, airborne, but doesn’t state sfas or follow on training to Bragg either.
I’ve reached out to numerous people and have been told that the golden ticket is that my “unit on the contract says SF with the batt etc..
Can anyone verify I’m good?
What I thought I signed up for, is I’m 100% the same as AD 18x’s till I’m qualified.
I’ve been told that it all rides on the orders, from what I understand, some states do it differently. Original orders sometimes have sfpc and sfas in them, but sometimes their not on the original and get sent out after airborne.

I was not given a counseling form with desired MOS/ understanding of what rep63 is etc..