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Apr 10, 2015
Not to sure what to say, but I am looking for guidance on some things I am currently doing right now. I have 3 years with the grunts and 2 years with the Navy. I am tired of what I see everyday and want to get back to what is something I actually care about and not this blueside clinic Navy bullshit I have rammed down my throat. I love my Navy, but my Navy was born for me when I served with my Marines. So, If you know the threads I should go on please advise me and I'll hit them up.

3rd class with no class.
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Your post made my eyes bleed... And... typing on a cell phone is an excuse, not an explanation.

I edited you post in red, and underlined an area that the construction made unreadable/unintelligible. If you want to be an IDC, you have to be able to communicate clearly with your peers and with doctors.

Use the search function, you are an NCO who wants to go IDC, nobody should have to hand you anything.
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