RPV Virus?


Verified SOF
Aug 18, 2007
San Antonio Texas
My guess is the virus (if true) was introduced by a contractor doing a software update. The big lesson is going to be ignored; i.e. computer systems are great but vulnerable and you need a non-computer backup.

From Predator to Prey?: Creech AFB, Nev., a major hub of Air Force remotely piloted aircraft operations, reportedly is dealing with a vexing computer virus. The uninvited guest has worked its way into the ground stations that airmen use there to control MQ-1 Predators and MQ-9 Reapers that operate over places like Afghanistan and Iraq, according to an entry at Wired magazine's Danger Room blog. So far, the virus has been logging the RPA operators' keystrokes, but there's been no confirmed incidents of an outside source gleaning classified information, states the entry. Still, the malware is proving difficult to remove. Air Combat Command, which oversees the RPA fleet, declined to elaborate on this issue. "At this time, we have nothing to add," Air Combat Command spokesman Scott Knuteson told the Daily Report Wednesday. He explained: "We generally do not discuss specific vulnerabilities, threats, or responses to our computer networks, since that helps people looking to exploit or attack our systems to refine their approach. We invest a lot in protecting and monitoring our systems to counter threats and ensure security, which includes a comprehensive response to viruses, worms, and other malware we discover."

Did I not get the memo? I thought Army was running the Cyber-show?

Maybe they are, but not to hear these guys talk and also see the AF recruiting commercials; you'd think they were balls deep in every computer on the planet or stopping Neo from hacking into their Matrix. Don't get me started on Comm officers being "operational" now and wearing flight suits.....
Maybe they are, but not to hear these guys talk and also see the AF recruiting commercials; you'd think they were balls deep in every computer on the planet or stopping Neo from hacking into their Matrix. Don't get me started on Comm officers being "operational" now and wearing flight suits.....

This post had me rolling homie!
Reports here say its a key stroke logger, sounds like a worm rather than a virus, but I'm an amateur so WTF. :-)
When I was in DOD we use to worry about EMF and made a lot of DC circuits and relays that could not be harmed by EMF. I am just now realizing how dangerous this cyber warfare is.
Has the US made new laws to insure we get a pound of flesh from the people that do these things once they are caught?
I truly believe this is the new nuclear threat of the decade.
I know all of you know this but it has been a real learning curve for this old guy.
I was under the impression that it was malware to collect passwords to online gambling sites and games only. Nothing to do with intelligence collection.