

Jun 15, 2009
Heres a question

They already have weapons like the like SR25 and its similar rifle derivatives in .308. As well of course theres the Barrett a semi auto .50.

So my question with all this talk of higher caliber weapons needed/wanted yet smaller than a 50. Why hasn't anyone built a Semi in .300 or something like that. I mean I'm sure it could be done if you have weapons like the Barrett than its obviously possible with smaller rounds.
There are semis in 300 win mag. Mostly in Hunting rifles, Browning makes one. Probably how the weapon is used or it's intended use. BMG 50's are considered to be anti-material. Long range sniping, bolt guns do very well. Shorter range, than the rifle can do a mix, support, sniping, etc. That is my questimation.
I am not sure that semi auto in 300WM is not available, DPMS offers one in 338L. Personally I am not for magnum caliber semi auto's, we have Machine Guns for that shit (M2). I think a bolt gun in 300WM/338L backed up with a Semi Auto 308 in the team is enough. The M107 is nice, but the weight is retarded IMHO and I am not raising my hand to hump one up a mountian anytime soon.
My guys humped the barrett on recon patrols all the time. It is a bitch to hump but I suppose you forget about all that weight that when you are consistently killing enemy fighters at 1500 to 1800 yds.
Damn, I thought you were talking about the Small Aerostat Surveillance System.......:evil:
Ok, so what I thaught might be useful is actualy stupid and has actualy been done. So much for thinking smart.
Ok, so what I thaught might be useful is actualy stupid and has actualy been done. So much for thinking smart.

Fortunately, thinking is usually free. :)

Look at it this way: there are boatloads of guys in the US alone who are paid to think of this stuff or were out doing something when it occurred to them that something might be a good idea (not unlike yourself). Sometimes, an industry reaches a point where new ideas are stagnant for whatever reason.
Yeah that would make it worth it, I just think we could get the same ranges out of a lighter weapon/round.

Problem is physics. It is inertia, which is speed x weight and then apply how moving through air effect the bullet (ballistic coefficient of the bullet), so at a certain distance the bullet has so much whomp.

Recoil is a function of Weight of the bullet x speed. Force in the opposite direction is mitigated by weight of the rifle and any recoil comps that is on it.

Negative aspect of recoil comp, is blast, it can stir up quite a dust signature.

There are other externalities that must be considered too.

So at this time with what we have, not going to happen.
My guys humped the barrett on recon patrols all the time. It is a bitch to hump but I suppose you forget about all that weight that when you are consistently killing enemy fighters at 1500 to 1800 yds.

On a Recon patrol??? Holy shit i'd like to see someone shooting and scooting trying to carry that! :eek:

To my mind and the way I was trained to conduct recon, it just wouldn't seem to fit, that said it was a different time and place.
On a Recon patrol??? Holy shit i'd like to see someone shooting and scooting trying to carry that! :eek:

To my mind and the way I was trained to conduct recon, it just wouldn't seem to fit, that said it was a different time and place.

Let me demonstrate the correct way to carry a Barrett while conducting recon. Man-up, right shoulder arms and forward march right up that mountain. :cool:

Problem is physics. It is inertia, which is speed x weight and then apply how moving through air effect the bullet (ballistic coefficient of the bullet), so at a certain distance the bullet has so much whomp.

Recoil is a function of Weight of the bullet x speed. Force in the opposite direction is mitigated by weight of the rifle and any recoil comps that is on it.

Negative aspect of recoil comp, is blast, it can stir up quite a dust signature.

There are other externalities that must be considered too.

So at this time with what we have, not going to happen.

The .338 Lapua Magnum can give “effective” ranges out to 1800+ meters, and at massive reduction in weight. The PSR 98p (.338 Lapua) is 13.5 pounds, compared to the M107 30 pounds and “effective” range of 1800+ meters.

I think that would make the cut for a replacement of the M107 in my book, half the weight, very close to the same effective ranges and the ability to carry more ammo if need be.
The .338 Lapua Magnum can give “effective” ranges out to 1800+ meters, and at massive reduction in weight. The PSR 98p (.338 Lapua) is 13.5 pounds, compared to the M107 30 pounds and “effective” range of 1800+ meters.

I think that would make the cut for a replacement of the M107 in my book, half the weight, very close to the same effective ranges and the ability to carry more ammo if need be.

.338 LM is where I'd put my money. Very respectable penetration at 1000+ meters.