SEAL segment on 60 Minutes tonight


Sep 12, 2012
I'm so confused on who claimed they did what, and how many bullets they personally put into the corpse that I've lost track of whose-who.

I think this is they guy who wrote No Easy Day. According to 60 Minutes he's been made up by a special-effects dude to hide his identity.

Anyway, sounds like he was on last week, and now he will be on again this week because of something he said?
I'll watch...on CBS after the Pats finish making Manning their personal bitch!
This is the same guy who wrote/dictated "No Easy Day." I'm very interested to see what he says.

Ps I'm loving the Pats game.
I don't buy a word this dude is saying. He's in complete survival mode, he knew damn well what would happen and is now trying to save his ass.
He said he was given bad legal advice on whether he needed to submit the manuscript for pre-publication review. What he meant to say was, "My lawyer said look at all these other guys that wrote books and they didn't get in trouble, you'll be fine dude, submitting it for review is just going to put you behind the power curve, you need to get this out while the movies are coming out for maximum exposure. Oh, and before any of your teammates who just got kicked out for video game consulting on the side write a book and steal your thunder."

And now he's all surprised that they did something.

Well bro, heres a pro-tip: The other guys didn't write books about two of the most high profile missions in the past five years, you did. It draws a little more attention than the other ones.

I will say this though, the government is extremely hypocritical in all of this, but two wrongs don't make a write.