Secret Service escorts President out of presser

Hopefully the Marxist under your bed gets to you by the end of the week.
I'll explain my dislike.

This was your only post.

For @R.Caerbannog to say: "Marxists everywhere" is relatively logical as we have a Black Bloc attack going on in multiple cities.

Does he have any evidence? Don't think any of us do until that guys name gets released. This could be one of those dickheads that's really in love with Trump. Or it could be a Bernie voter.
I'll explain my dislike.

This was your only post.

For @R.Caerbannog to say: "Marxists everywhere" is relatively logical as we have a Black Bloc attack going on in multiple cities.

Does he have any evidence? Don't think any of us do until that guys name gets released. This could be one of those dickheads that's really in love with Trump. Or it could be a Bernie voter.
Relatively logical? Seeing as no one had any idea what was going on at that time, anything from “kids throwing fire crackers” to “radical islamists” could have been a feasible explanation. The most logical response at the time would have been along the lines of “guess we’ll have to wait and see who did it.”

That’s not how our dude thinks. He has too much tuna on his sub- Marxists. WiFi is down- Marxists. Shooting outside of White House- not just Marxists, but coordinated Marxists.

Now I could understand if this was a sincere, honest fear of Communist elements that he felt like he needed to warn us about. It’s not sincere- look at his older posts to now. They’re shorter, minimally cited, the generalizations growing broader. @R.Caerbannog has morphed into a troll. And I think treating his posts with any seriousness is just going to lead us down his rabbit hole. Pun intended.
So- we all now know (from looking at the video) that it was a pretty clear suicide by cop. What motivations- political or otherwise- we might not know. Maybe there’s a Marxist Manifesto in this guy’s computer. Maybe he was high. Maybe he was insane and needed help.

Either way, discuss the event or take your grievances to PM. I encourage it.

Thanks for the cooperation.
So- we all now know (from looking at the video) that it was a pretty clear suicide by cop. What motivations- political or otherwise- we might not know. Maybe there’s a Marxist Manifesto in this guy’s computer. Maybe he was high. Maybe he was insane and needed help.

Either way, discuss the event or take your grievances to PM. I encourage it.

Thanks for the cooperation.
Can you post a link to the video? Google is not being helpful.
So- we all now know (from looking at the video) that it was a pretty clear suicide by cop. What motivations- political or otherwise- we might not know. Maybe there’s a Marxist Manifesto in this guy’s computer. Maybe he was high. Maybe he was insane and needed help.

Either way, discuss the event or take your grievances to PM. I encourage it.

Thanks for the cooperation.
I haven't seen the video. I have been curious as to what happened. So that is your take on it? Let me go look up the video so we can all watch it.

Looks like a ruger 22 MK 1-4 it will kill but probably not my first choice in that situation. Yeah clearly he never raised the firearm before he was shot so suicide by cop is definitely plausible. Looked gut shot as well. That had to hurt.

Is it just me or did he actually seem surprised when he got shot?
I haven't seen the video. I have been curious as to what happened. So that is your take on it? Let me go look up the video so we can all watch it.

Dude I couldn’t find this video to save my damn life. Thank you.

That IS my take on it, yes. Meaning- dude declares he has a weapon, brandishes, walks quickly at police officers and is shot for his actions.

I don’t know the ‘why’, but I’ll side with Sir Occam here- mental illness or delusion leading to a ‘suicide by cop scenario’ makes the most logical sense. If there is any in situations like these

I certainly don’t think this gentleman was making his case for workers owning the means of production. And it’s intellectually dishonest to even float something like that .25 seconds after the news breaks.

But hey, like I said, maybe he’s got a computer full of Karl and a hankering for no more bourgeois.

Oh, I know! Regardless of the actual facts I’d like to dig in to this dudes past, find some old tweets, get his tox screen THEN commit character assassination from my keyboard and land on ‘he deserved it’. Cause 2020.
Dude I couldn’t find this video to save my damn life. Thank you.

That IS my take on it, yes. Meaning- dude declares he has a weapon, brandishes, walks quickly at police officers and is shot for his actions.

I don’t know the ‘why’, but I’ll side with Sir Occam here- mental illness or delusion leading to a ‘suicide by cop scenario’ makes the most logical sense. If there is any in situations like these

I certainly don’t think this gentleman was making his case for workers owning the means of production. And it’s intellectually dishonest to even float something like that .25 seconds after the news breaks.

But hey, like I said, maybe he’s got a computer full of Karl and a hankering for no more bourgeois.

Oh, I know! Regardless of the actual facts I’d like to dig in to this dudes past, find some old tweets, get his tox screen THEN commit character assassination from my keyboard and land on ‘he deserved it’. Cause 2020.
None of us actually sleep :p I agree with your assessment and I'm curious as well as to what drove him to such an inevitable conclusion/ending.
WHY is that guy still even breathing? 1 shot? He should have been ventilated with multiples. Even the USSS trains double tap.

Now we have to suffer the Hinckley ride.

ETA: As to the OP and CBS using the word "abruptly"...POTUS would probably dispute that word.
In cases of POTUS being in danger, the USSS bends him over, throws a kevlar blanket over him, and body bunkers around him and rushes him out of the room. THAT's "abruptly". He looked like he didn't want to go. I watched that briefing and was surprised he came back.
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WHY is that guy still even breathing? 1 shot? He should have been ventilated with multiples. Even the USSS trains double tap.

Now we have to suffer the Hinckley ride.
Because I think deep down nobody really wants to take a life. The guy never raised the weapon and dropped it immediately on the first hit so I'm guessing the firearm was in the eyes of the secret service agent/agents no longer in play.

Did you see how fast they rendered medical as well. Someone in their head was saying please don't die.

Me personally I would have waited until he raised the weapon before firing the FIRST shot because there would have been more to follow. But that is just me.

I'm not gonna armchair quarterback the SS though. They probably made the right decision. The guy didn't raise the firearm he raised his left hand in a gesture to me that said wait or he was simply trying to quiet the voices in his head.
Suicide by/ martyr by cop. Imagine how a death would play out right now...
Maybe, or just a self entitled asshole who thinks he needs to kill the bad orange man.
We may find out, during his trial. Wonder if the DC DA will file weapons charges against him? Feds will for sure.
As far as his Social Media stuff; fair game, because everyone else's SM postings are fair game.
I am waiting to hear SS only wounded him because he's white.
Maybe, or just a self entitled asshole who thinks he needs to kill the bad orange man.
We may find out, during his trial. Wonder if the DC DA will file weapons charges against him? Feds will for sure.
As far as his Social Media stuff; fair game, because everyone else's SM postings are fair game.
I am waiting to hear SS only wounded him because he's white.
I’m waiting on everyone involved to shoehorn this scenario into the 3-4 narratives you just mentioned regardless of facts.

If anything, this is a great example of how the MSM has conditioned everyone to respond. Looks like they’re doing a great job.

Must have been Trump hate. Must have been from the left. Must be a Marxist. Must have race involved. Must be part of a conspiracy.
I’m waiting on everyone involved to shoehorn this scenario into the 3-4 narratives you just mentioned regardless of facts.

If anything, this is a great example of how the MSM has conditioned everyone to respond. Looks like they’re doing a great job.

Must have been Trump hate. Must have been from the left. Must be a Marxist. Must have race involved. Must be part of a conspiracy.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but conditioning might play a role in this. Think about it like this, there is a lot of hopelessness and fear right now. Combine that with over three and half years of fake outrage (spun by social & mainstream media) and you have the perfect storm.

To break things down even further, fear and hopelessness make for effective agents of change. Especially when you can influence and harness the fear in other people. It's little to no surprise that something like this happened.