I’m locking this and combining a few of your threads. Some friendly advice:
- You’ve made it pretty clear your intent and desires, feel free to ‘bump’ your other threads from time-to-time.
- We have not had SEAL’s regularly participate here for years, but we do have a few active members who are pretty familiar with NSW and may chime in at some point.
- Anything someone with a Green Tag offers to you, accept and devour that feedback. On that note, not all Verified Military have taken the time to get their Green Tags, so listen to them too.
- Take a breath, stop posting for a minute, and read. The search function is very good here, and many of the ‘selection’ and ‘fitness’ type areas are organized pretty well. Even without someone addressing you live and in person, much of what you are seeking are conversations that have likely already happened and are archived here somewhere.
- Report back in a couple weeks with an update of what you’ve learned.