SFA to Congress & Executive Dept: Cease and Desist


Apr 22, 2010
The Special Forces Association resolved to ensure politicians understood the Association's membership's steadfast support of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution at its 2013 annual National Convention in San Antonio Texas. A resolution was presented to the membership and resolved the organization's direct support for the Second Amendment and that the right to bear arms is an absolute fundamental freedom and right granted to American Citizens.

My favorite part:
FINALLY RESOLVED, That the membership of The Special Forces Association urges our Nation's lawmakers to recognize, as part of their oaths of office, that the Second Amendment guarantees law-abiding citizens the right to keep and bear the arms of their choice, and on behalf of the millions of American veterans who have fought, and continue to fight, to preserve those rights, hereby advise the Congress of the United States and the Executive Department to cease and desist any and all efforts to restrict these rights by any legislation or order.

