SFRE Results


Verified Military
Feb 6, 2018
Well, that was a miserable experience and the hardest thing I've ever done, but I got picked!

I wanted to say thanks this board definitely helped with the prep. I didn't ask too many questions but that's because there's a ton of info already on here for me to read.

One thing I'll say to anyone getting ready for SFRE - the land nav isn't a huge deal. I was really nervous it'd be a hard course, but it was 4 points about 300-500m from each other. Very simple basic stuff. Shortest and easiest part of the weekend by a long shot.

What you do need to be PHENOMENAL at if you want to succeed is rucking, rucking, RUCKING.

Thanks gang, next step, SFAS!
Good job, you got your foot in the door. SFAS is a lot harder, and the Q course is even worse. It's all worth it though. Don't quit.