I did. A metric shit ton of airsoft stuff. I know that's your favorite.
I'll PM you the tracking number. :-"
... Hoping 2016 will happen for me, including a trip to Haufbrau.
I had hoped to go this year, but as looked through the site it appears you must be "in the industry" to get in. Is there a way for us average folks to have access to the show?Exhausted but still smiling. I only wish more of you could have made it out here this year.
Folks, save your pennies now for next year. I absolutely love hanging with the SS peeps and my door is always open.
Improvise, adapt, and overcome.I had hoped to go this year, but as looked through the site it appears you must be "in the industry" to get in. Is there a way for us average folks to have access to the show?
Question for @Cabbage Head ? How many people did you send to the Plano Tactical Booth?
You missed Hofbrauhaus? You will be banned from this board forthwith, along with AKkeith... I will have to talk to your chaperone for failure to properly initiate you to the SS version of SHOT.
^^^I agree with that. There's a rather lengthy guest list for that particular dining out to be successful, especially the repeat offenders.
Damn, we need to plot a Vegas link-up/shootout.
Most definitely going in 2016...