In the vast majority of cases, if people are stiff-arming you about a general discussion of interesting intel jobs, they're being assholes. Either that or they think you wouldn't cut it and they don't want to waste their time. Naming generalized jobs, or even specific units, is for the most part completely UNCLASS. When you get into specifics it gets trickier, but whatever.
Let's start with the basics. What pay grade are you now, and what is your AFOC or whatever? Don't tell me what your name is and what unit you're in, I don't care and it doesn't matter for purposes of this discussion. The reason your pay grade and job matter is because many units won't take junior troops. You have to excel in a conventional unit first. The reason what your occupation is matters is because some intel jobs are so specific or esoteric, that it's hard to break into a "cool" gig because they just don't need your specialty.
All of the above notwithstanding, as far as specific units go it's hard to go wrong with a job at a unit like JSOC. (OMG!!! Someone said the word JSOC on the site!!! OPSEC!!!
