Every other ARSOF one that has a direct-action mission as part of its core responsibilities. Not sure about CA or PSYOP, hence the caveat.
4th POG had a TPT that was Ranger Tasked. Discussions with the team leader led me to believe they went on a LIMITED type of DA. USASOC PA routinely puts stories out about this particular TPT (or is it MIST now?).
In the Guard, the States have a say in pay and allowances whereas most actual course money comes from Army or other sources. Point being, we can get travel & per diem money for a class but the State has, for us red hats, been unable to find the money for MI sustainment training. The other fellas don't seem to have this issue however but they may: I'm just giving my perception.
Additionally, my skills as a 35P will never have a State mission. Ever. Unless Red Dawn occurs and then, we'll have other things to worry about rather than Title 10 vs Title 32 authorities.
I have not heard of similar type bullshit excuses related to pay issues with Reserve MI units.
States have a habit of stealing SOF training dollars and funding TAG directed crap.