SOCS Mike Day - Shot 27 Times and Telling the Story


Dec 10, 2012
I haven't seen his story posted here but it's an incredible one for those that aren't familiar.
On the night of April 6, 2007, in Iraq's Anbar Province, Day's team of Navy SEALs and Iraqi scouts were on the hunt for a high-level al Qaeda cell.

Day said the terrorists had shot down two helicopters, killing everyone on board.

Being the first one to enter a 12x12 room where four al Qaeda leaders waited to strike proved to be almost deadly for Day.

"Upon entering that doorway, they all just opened up on me. It felt like somebody was just beating me up with sledge hammers," Day said...

...When the gunfight was over, Mike Day took out all four terrorists in the room, but not before being shot 27 times and hit with grenade shrapnel.

"People hear about my story and they can't believe it. I was there and I can't believe it," Day said. "I got shot 27 times -- 16 in the body and 11 times in my body armor. I was shot in both legs, both arms, my abdomen. You throw a finger on me, anything but my head, I got shot there."

He walked to the MEDIVAC on his own.

I know there are a million and one veteran charities vying for your dollars, including another I hold particularly close. Nonetheless, consider adding his to your list. More info here:
Never ceases to amaze me what the human body can sometimes absorb. I had a friend who was shot 9 times and survived. There was a Sgt in my company at 2/6 at Lejeune who'd survived a 500 foot fall after a parachute fail some years before. We used to rub his head for good luck.

Mike Day is one lucky guy. Awesome story.
Interesting add-on. My squadron, HSC-84, did the infil, exfil, and CASEVAC for that mission. He did indeed walk to the bird on his own. Incredible American.