SOF readup for undergrad research assistant


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
I'm traveling OCONUS later this month for some SOCOM-sponsored field research. All UNCLASS; nothing involving TTPs, sources, or methods. An undergraduate research assistant I have not yet met is going to be travelling with me. Based on my interactions with them over the phone/email, the individual is motivated and highly intelligent but doesn't know anything yet about SOF. I'm looking for suggestions on short primers about SOF that I can add to the list of readings that I'm having the researcher do before our trip. The list so far:

The Fourth Age of SOF
Difference between SOF and SF
SOCOM website
SOF vision and strategies
SOF truths
SOF organization
Title 10 vs. Title 50
Introduction to Special Operations

...others? The intent is to give the researcher a baseline level of understanding about SOF organization, missions, and culture before the trip. Not trying to make anyone a SOF expert.
I was going to post something semi-X-rated about having a "research assistant," but I respect you too much. Just knowing the thought was there should be enough.

I prompted the MidJourney AI to make me some images of "female research assistant" and it returned these... rather uninspiring images:


I tried "sexy research assistant" first but apparently "sexy" is banned, I assume to keep it from becoming a porn factory (good call, MidJourney).

Well far be it for me to rain on anyone's mental montage, but my assistant is another dude.

I prompted the MidJourney AI to make me some images of "female research assistant" and it returned these... rather uninspiring images:


I tried "sexy research assistant" first but apparently "sexy" is banned, I assume to keep it from becoming a porn factory (good call, MidJourney).

Well far be it for me to rain on anyone's mental montage, but my assistant is another dude.

Bottom left has potential. Although top right has a balcony you could do Shakespeare from.

Now back to the discussion.
I'm traveling OCONUS later this month for some SOCOM-sponsored field research. All UNCLASS; nothing involving TTPs, sources, or methods. An undergraduate research assistant I have not yet met is going to be travelling with me. Based on my interactions with them over the phone/email, the individual is motivated and highly intelligent but doesn't know anything yet about SOF. I'm looking for suggestions on short primers about SOF that I can add to the list of readings that I'm having the researcher do before our trip. The list so far:

The Fourth Age of SOF
Difference between SOF and SF
SOCOM website
SOF vision and strategies
SOF truths
SOF organization
Title 10 vs. Title 50
Introduction to Special Operations

...others? The intent is to give the researcher a baseline level of understanding about SOF organization, missions, and culture before the trip. Not trying to make anyone a SOF expert.
This was the Congressional Research Service Paper that started the SOF truths. It is 198 pages but can be scanned and skimmed quickly thanks to #technology. United States and Soviet special operations a study / prepared by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress ; prepared at the request of the ...

USASOC home page and fact sheets: Affairs/FactSheet.html

SOF Imperatives: SOF Imperatives Page
SOF Truths: SOF Truths
My own shameless plug: The SOF Truths: A Different Perspective on Security Force Assistance - Modern War Institute
Shameless plug part 2: More than Just Friends: The Strategic Advantage of Enduring Relationships - Modern War Institute
As an aside, the key points from the CRS paper hold value today and would give your assistant a good framework to think about.
Thanks is beotjer! On the plane as we speak.
As an aside, the key points from the CRS paper hold value today and would give your assistant a good framework to think about.
thanks brother, great suggestions.

I’m in Honduras now, hanging out with your tribe.
He has an incredible social IQ and was able to ask good questions and maintain humility. Plus he had an interesting background and knows how to have a conversation. And he spoke the language, which I don’t. He definitely earned the money I didn’t pay him for going on this trip with me ;)

The day after we got on the ground he was translating for me during a strategic engagement dinner. “Hey, welcome to this country you’ve never been to, and to the world of ARSOF, which until recently you didn’t even know existed. Now translate this complicated conversation filled with military jargon that I’m about to have with this local national 4-star, who is key to what we’re trying to do here. No pressure.”

One of the coolest things that happened was that he got like three straight hours of mentorship on the Army, SOF, international relations, and life in general from an SF MSG, a 1SG, and a CSM over dinner and drinks down by the pool the last night we were there. The AOB commander and I were there too but wisely mostly just sipped our drinks and listened.