Not a grunt and have a spotless record. Thanks.
In the AF, SecFo is a grunt. In the wild blue yonder, Marine is a grunt. You'll be gtg with the AFSOC guys of course. Just a heads up: Zoomies are an entirely different "military". But hey, they're better than the Navy.
Security Forces people in the Airforce really consider themselves grunts? Hahahahahaha.
The motto for SecFo is "Infantry of the AF". Interestingly, SecFo is by policy only AFSC that doesn't have to do Army boot if they cross over. Sidenote, SecFo gets really pissed when you use "SecFo", and many are the reclassed masses from AFSOC AFSCs and TACP.

I wouldn't say (all) SecFo consider themselves such, but to the spit shine asskissers in the big blue SecFo IS a grunt.
The motto for SecFo is "Infantry of the AF". Interestingly, SecFo is by policy only AFSC that doesn't have to do Army boot if they cross over. Sidenote, SecFo gets really pissed when you use "SecFo", and many are the reclassed masses from AFSOC AFSCs and TACP.

I wouldn't say (all) SecFo consider themselves such, but to the spit shine asskissers in the big blue SecFo IS a grunt.

Having dealt with them in the past, calling them "infantry" anything is clownshoes. They are also the reclassed masses from anyone who fails almost any tech school. Fail out of a comm AFSC? Straight to AFSF. Generally speaking, the board's opinion of that AFSC is low. In a decade on this forum I don't recall a single member advising anyone to take a Security Forces job.
In the AF, SecFo is a grunt. In the wild blue yonder, Marine is a grunt. You'll be gtg with the AFSOC guys of course. Just a heads up: Zoomies are an entirely different "military". But hey, they're better than the Navy.

Let's not perpetuate the unfounded opinions some AFSCs may have of themselves.