@bcrimz47 Nothing new has taken place or changed. I've learned from a few different sources that in between the PAST and the interview, there will be a little bit of a thrashing. I'm not saying that it will be cake, but I feel having been through Marine Corps training, I'll be a little more mentally prepared for it than say, a junior Air Force candidate. They don't cover anything, so I'll have to get my own flight, hotel and food. A friend of mine who just left for indoc, and is going active duty, seems to have everything covered. It looks like there's a big difference between active duty and reserve in that regard. I'm not a hundred percent sure, but it might have something to do with the unit having to pay for all the training if they accept me. Are you looking at doing Air Force Reserve pararescue?

@Red Flag 1 Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement and will keep you guys posted.
Makes sense, why would the unit waste the money to pay for you until they know they will be accepting you, maybe they will reimburse you if they end up accepting you. Do you know how long you'll be there for from beginning of PAST to the interview? Also, any word on how long they take to get back to you on if you were accepted or not?

@bcrimz47 Are you looking at doing Air Force Reserve pararescue?

I have been of recent , I'm in the Navy reserves and after working for an emt for some time I found a passion for medicine and looked into cross rating to HM but they have always been at 100%+ manning so it is nearly impossible to do so. I believe the best options I could strive for would be Pararescue or 18-D in the Army but before your post mentioning the DD form 368 I figured the only way to do this would be to wait until my contract was up, be released from the navy, and try to get into one of these programs as prior service. From what I read on the navy MILPERSMAN 1910-102 SEPARATION BY REASON OF CHANGES IN SERVICE OBLIGATION form it sounds pretty straight forward, for reservists at least, as long as you are not in an undermanned rate, am I understanding this correctly? Any other information on the 368 you can give would be great as well.
Makes sense, why would the unit waste the money to pay for you until they know they will be accepting you, maybe they will reimburse you if they end up accepting you. Do you know how long you'll be there for from beginning of PAST to the interview? Also, any word on how long they take to get back to you on if you were accepted or not?

I have been of recent , I'm in the Navy reserves and after working for an emt for some time I found a passion for medicine and looked into cross rating to HM but they have always been at 100%+ manning so it is nearly impossible to do so. I believe the best options I could strive for would be Pararescue or 18-D in the Army but before your post mentioning the DD form 368 I figured the only way to do this would be to wait until my contract was up, be released from the navy, and try to get into one of these programs as prior service. From what I read on the navy MILPERSMAN 1910-102 SEPARATION BY REASON OF CHANGES IN SERVICE OBLIGATION form it sounds pretty straight forward, for reservists at least, as long as you are not in an undermanned rate, am I understanding this correctly? Any other information on the 368 you can give would be great as well.
You should look at Aeromed Tech too (fall back)
@bcrimz47 Nothing new has taken place or changed. I've learned from a few different sources that in between the PAST and the interview, there will be a little bit of a thrashing. I'm not saying that it will be cake, but I feel having been through Marine Corps training, I'll be a little more mentally prepared for it than say, a junior Air Force candidate. They don't cover anything, so I'll have to get my own flight, hotel and food. A friend of mine who just left for indoc, and is going active duty, seems to have everything covered. It looks like there's a big difference between active duty and reserve in that regard. I'm not a hundred percent sure, but it might have something to do with the unit having to pay for all the training if they accept me. Are you looking at doing Air Force Reserve pararescue?

@Red Flag 1 Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement and will keep you guys posted.
Disagree, Water Con is a beast of it's own.
You need to be comfortable in the water.
You should look at Aeromed Tech too (fall back)

Just checked it out briefly, definitely looks like something I would be interesting in pursuing, do you know if its common at all for someone to get an AD Pararescue contract with a fallback of Aeromed Tech guaranteed.
No need to disagree. I only said my ability to handle thrashing was higher than some new kid who's never had it before. I agree that it will be hard. I have a WSQ (usmc) swim qual which basically involves people f**king with you while you're trying to swim. I feel confident in water.

Once I figured out what was needed for the package, the submission of the inter-service transfer was actually really easy. I'm hesitant to give you the process for the Marine Corps because I'm sure it'll be different in the Navy. Aside from the DD 368, you'll probably need a letter from your recruiter in the other service and an AA form. Especially as a reservist, there really isn't a big reason for them to stop you from transferring.
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Yeah Milpersman made it out to seem pretty straight forward as long as you have 2 years of drilling done and theres plan for your unit to be deployed soon. I'm going to continue to train hard while in the reserves and try to become a more appealing candidate for what Pararescue is looking for. Having said that is there a particular qual you earned while in the Marines that stood out to the Pararescue recruiter as something you could bring to the table?

By the way do you mention what reserve unit you are going through, I may have missed that.
Sorry, but WSQ is not water con.

I'm not sure how AFSOC conducts water training, but I would be prepared to hold your breath, even when youre weezing and don't want to, or just finished a 50 count set of calisthenics.

I don't know how else do describe SOF water con. Medieval torture?

If you can find a empty pool, and can run pool cards on it sideways, I'd start there and with cammie top and bottoms. Doing 4 sets of crawl. 10-15 rest. 1 underwater. 4 sets of crawl. 10-15 second rest. 2 underwaters. 4 sets of crawl. 10-15 seconds rest. Strip blouse, repeat. Strip trousers. Repeat. Add calisthenics. Brick treads. Brick pushes. Suicide lanes. Underwater brick walks. Shorten rest. Etc.

All with the supervision of a lifeguard and buddy.
I'm not sure about other AFSCs, but the Air Force Reserve recruiter didn't really ask me about my previous qualifications other than basic eligibility requirements: medical, security clearance, etc.
I think that they're waiting to see if I pass the assessment (PAST and interview) before they get into that other stuff.

PS- You should try to get your profile verified on here. It helps people know you're actually military and serious about your intentions. :-)

I don't know another way to say that I totally respect the water con and do not doubt its nastiness. Is there even a chance you can agree that a seasoned Marine might have a leg up on a 19 year old fresh out of high school? That's all I'm saying.

Awesome workout! I'll definitely add that to my routine. Are the crawl sets at a 50m distance and the underwaters at 25m? Thanks, brother!
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I don't know another way to say that I totally respect the water con and do not doubt its nastiness. Is there even a chance you can agree that a seasoned Marine might have a leg up on a 19 year old fresh out of high school? That's all I'm saying

I don't know bro, did you see this thread ?

Water Con (Underwaters)

Are you comparing water con to what we did in the Corps? This shit looks a whole lot more evil. I'd put my money on the 19 year old out of high school who was on the swim team - I genuinely wish you all the success, just be sure of what you are getting into.
I don't know another way to say that I totally respect the water con and do not doubt its nastiness. Is there even a chance you can agree that a seasoned Marine might have a leg up on a 19 year old fresh out of high school? That's all I'm saying.
The water is probably one of the most skill specific areas of military training. There are OLD men with good technique who can absolutely destroy young studs in the water.

I am 33 y/o male, prior service Army. Back in March I received an age waiver for an 18x contract but had to drop it until I can pay some of my student loans down (personal decision not army required). I think if you try you may also get a reduction in grade to come in as an E-4 as required but that would be an extra hurdle for you.

Thanks, brother. I'm already on the path towards Pararescue and test next month.

Back when I talked to the Army about 18X, it essentially was impossible for someone in my position (time in service, rank, age, etc.). Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
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That's too bad bout the LRS. As to OP, be wary the AF. They typically dislike the smell of all things grunt. Hope your service record is spotless.
Not to imply that the CWST I went through is much compared to other services water qualifications, but if you're in shape, and not scared of the water.... then the rest will come with either training, or stubborness, preferably whichever is more beneficial to the situation at hand.

Don't fucking quit.