Soldiers Indoctrinated in Dangers of White Privilege


Combined Action
Verified Military
Jun 29, 2014
Decisive Terrain
There's a bit of hysteria on conservative websites about this alleged briefing. I have no idea if it's true or rumor, or for that matter, if it's even a big deal. Only one unit is mentioned here. And the briefing took place last year. I'm inclined to think this was an isolated thing and not something that originated higher up. But if true it's disturbing.

"Hundreds of U.S. Army soldiers at Fort Gordon, Georgia, were subjected to a briefing about the dangers of "white privilege."

According to
Judicial Watch, in April 2015, soldiers in the 67th Signal Battalion were given a presentation called "Power and Privilege," which included a PowerPoint presentation instructing the attendees, "Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual."

Anna Kooiman reported on "Fox and Friends" this morning that Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request to get any documents and materials related to the briefing.

The response to the request included the entire Equal Opportunity Training PowerPoint presentation entitled "Power and Privilege," which states:

Privilege exists when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they've done or failed to do.

Privilege has become one of those loaded words we need to reclaim so that we can use it to name and illuminate the truth

Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them. "To be white in American [sic] means not having to think about it" [Quotation not attributed]

society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual regardless of your social class.

Imagine a school or a workplace where all kinds of people feel comfortable showing up. [sic] valued, accepted, supported, appreciated, respected, belonging. [sic] Something very powerful keeps ..."

U.S. Soldiers Taught About the Dangers of 'White Privilege'
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I knew my military days were coming to an end when we had the mandatory safety stand-down for human trafficking. Subjects like this weren't going to be far behind.
When I arrived at my Basic Training Company (B/1/7, Sand Hill) in SEP 1986, we got off the cattle car, did the duffel bag drag and then got a welcome speech from our PSG (SFC Benton, Viet Nam Vet and African American with sterotypical gold capped canine). The very first words out of his mouth in that briefing were "You're in the f***ing Army now. I don't care if you used to be white, black, brown, yellow or motherf**ing purple. You're all OD Motherf***ing Green now."

BTW, SFC Benton should have been in SF, he was easily the most squared away, fit, knowledgable E-7 I met during my Active Duty Service.
When I arrived at my Basic Training Company (B/1/7, Sand Hill) in SEP 1986, we got off the cattle car, did the duffel bag drag and then got a welcome speech from our PSG (SFC Benton, Viet Nam Vet and African American with sterotypical gold capped canine). The very first words out of his mouth in that briefing were "You're in the f***ing Army now. I don't care if you used to be white, black, brown, yellow or motherf**ing purple. You're all OD Motherf***ing Green now."

Same way it was when I first joined and stayed that way throughout my career until I retired.

SSG Aquilla was the epitome of a colorful character explaining this.

I'm not surprised, nor will I be surprised if it is true. Conventional Signal is a dumpster fire.

It took an FOIA and almost a year to get the skinny on it.

A spokeswoman for the Army responded to the outrage last April by saying that the slide was inappropriately shown to soldiers and that the diversity briefing was not officially authorized.

“The unit [Equal Opportunity] instructor deviated from the authorized topic and content which was provided,” Army spokeswoman Capt. Lindsay Roman said at the time. “To prevent further instances, all unit instructors will receive additional training on the importance of following Army EO training requirements.”