Solitary Confinement as punishment

We can see you have issues using correct grammar; do you also have reading comprehension issues? Where in my post did I say "majority"? Please point it out to me.

We can? His post had fine grammar, particularly by Internet forum standards.
You don't end a sentence with the word "is".

Wow. Well I have to say that is the most nit picky bullshit I have seen on here in a while. As an admin I think we will give him a pass.

Also, it is perfectly acceptable in non formal writing to end a sentence in a preposition. This isn't APA, so like I said, he gets a pass.
Wow. Well I have to say that is the most nit picky bullshit I have seen on here in a while. As an admin I think we will give him a pass.

Also, it is perfectly acceptable in non formal writing to end a sentence in a preposition. This isn't APA, so like I said, he gets a pass.
And he gets another pass for misquoting me and implying I'm a dumbass, right?

Sounds about right. Good moderation as usual. Thanks. Have a good day.
And he gets another pass for misquoting me and implying I'm a dumbass, right?

Sounds about right. Good moderation as usual. Thanks. Have a good day.

Lol. Listen friend, you get to have your own arguments. I don't need to moderate content analysis. When you are an asshole to other members, it becomes a different story. Trying to degrade an argument on a petty grammar complaint is weak sauce.
Lol. Listen friend, you get to have your own arguments. I don't need to moderate content analysis. When you are an asshole to other members, it becomes a different story. Trying to degrade an argument on a petty grammar complaint is weak sauce.
Roger, thanks. Have a good one.
Lessons learned from parenting-

Timeout (solitary confinement) builds resentment and anger. The kids don't sit there, "thinking about what they have done."

A quick spanking, then talking to about what happened and what is expected in the future usually yields positive results- timely punishment then rehabilitation.

Not exactly the same, but I think parallels can be drawn.

I think it depends on the age. I think it can be a useful tool, and there is a time and a place, just as there is for spanking. But like with "real" punishment for criminal offenders, a single type of punishment is rarely effective, and one has to be judicious about how it's meted out.
We can see you have issues using correct grammar; do you also have reading comprehension issues? Where in my post did I say "majority"? Please point it out to me.

So I apologize if my grammar, or lack thereof, is offensive. I certainly did not mean it to be lol. I will be honest, I corrected spelling errors and basic punctuation mistakes when I saw them but I did not go back and proof read entirely.

As for the claim about my reading comprehension, It seemed pretty clear what you were implying about protesters and civil disobedience. I used "majority" to explicitly point out what I thought you were implying. If my assumption was wrong then I apologize, maybe you can clarify what you meant.

I do find it quite hypocritical to be upset that I attempted to read in between the lines when you then come back and say that I implied to call you a "dumbass". Again, if my tone came off that way then I apologize, I was trying to discuss the issue with you.
Video, just because.

I was at traffic court two days ago. Yep, my criminal self rolling stopped a stop sign and got caught a few weeks back. Anyway, standing there in line awaiting my turn before the local judge, and listen to the complete bullshit being spewed, was eye opening. Been awhile since I have been in traffic court. People were arguing g some of the dumbest shit I'd ever heard, pleading not guilty while they played video of them clearly being guilty as hell, arguing with the judges rulings and acting like fucking retards. One dude out of probably 50 in front of me plead no contest, because he had a deal with the city attorney. You should of seen the absolute shock on the judge and officers face when I told that judge I was guilty as hell.

The problem I saw, nobody wanted to be held accountable for being caught fucking up. Don't get me wrong, nobody wants to pay a fine or take half a day out of their life dealing with stupid. But that's what happens when you fuck up. People bitchin because it's taking too long, on their phone when a police officer is telling you to get off, sign says motherfucker.

Bottom line people need to be accountable for what they do. Just like traffic court, just like behaving your silly ass while in prison, or while protesting, or whatever stupid shit. If you're going to fuck up, be prepared to pay the consequences, and no fuck face, you don't pick and choose the consequence.O_o

I'm a strong man, I got no business hitting kids. I told my wife that when I first met her. My old man used to hit me. He made a paddle out of a board, painted it bright red enamel, drilled a hole through the handle and put a leather thong in it so he could hang it up on a hook in the closet. He used to whack the hell out of me with that stick. Until I got big. I came back from the war and I saw the fear in his eyes for the first time.

So I never hit my kids. I yelled like a Senior Drill Instructor, but I never laid a hand on them and they turned out to be great kids. I left the spanking up to my wife and she'd bare their little bottoms once in a while and spank em and they'd just laugh at her.

I restricted my punishments to writing assignments. You will write 80 times "I will not hit my brothers." (I still have the notebook :sneaky:).

But I agree about judiciousness. It depends on the person and depends on the offense. Parents, unfortunately, don't have to pass a qualifications test. And there are many--too many--who have no business raising children. And even though the criminal justice system does have qualifications courses, nothing guarantees that everyone who doles out the punishments will be wise and circumspect.

Oh god writing assignments are the worst, Ill take the paddle all day ahaha. I thinking the spanking is like most issues. There is a point where it is effective but if taken overboard its abusive and can cause resentment and even worse behavior.
Video, just because.

I was at traffic court two days ago. Yep, my criminal self rolling stopped a stop sign and got caught a few weeks back. Anyway, standing there in line awaiting my turn before the local judge, and listen to the complete bullshit being spewed, was eye opening. Been awhile since I have been in traffic court. People were arguing g some of the dumbest shit I'd ever heard, pleading not guilty while they played video of them clearly being guilty as hell, arguing with the judges rulings and acting like fucking retards. One dude out of probably 50 in front of me plead no contest, because he had a deal with the city attorney. You should of seen the absolute shock on the judge and officers face when I told that judge I was guilty as hell.

The problem I saw, nobody wanted to be held accountable for being caught fucking up. Don't get me wrong, nobody wants to pay a fine or take half a day out of their life dealing with stupid. But that's what happens when you fuck up. People bitchin because it's taking too long, on their phone when a police officer is telling you to get off, sign says motherfucker.

Bottom line people need to be accountable for what they do. Just like traffic court, just like behaving your silly ass while in prison, or while protesting, or whatever stupid shit. If you're going to fuck up, be prepared to pay the consequences, and no fuck face, you don't pick and choose the consequence.O_o


The only thing that video does is cause liberals to entrench themselves in their position in the same way that political correctness moves conservatives to the other end of the spectrum. Lets just imagine for a moment that Clinton won. There were all kinds of armchair warrior militia folks saying they were going to bring their guns and protest. The idea that people are upset over the most polarized election in our lifetimes isn't a surprise. The rise in white nationalism after the first black president and the reaction to it shouldn't strike anyone as coincidence either.

As far as people not wanting to be held accountable, that is the case for every facet of society. I think the problem is we focus on the small fish because they are easy targets. The fact that practically nobody went to prison for bankrupting the US and wold economy is a great example. Then we elect Donald Trump, the epitome of this type of egregious behavior.
The only thing that video does is cause liberals to entrench themselves in their position in the same way that political correctness moves conservatives to the other end of the spectrum. Lets just imagine for a moment that Clinton won. There were all kinds of armchair warrior militia folks saying they were going to bring their guns and protest. The idea that people are upset over the most polarized election in our lifetimes isn't a surprise. The rise in white nationalism after the first black president and the reaction to it shouldn't strike anyone as coincidence either.

Or could it be that Americans got tired of the progressive socialist leaning direction this country was heading in? Could it be that, people of all races just got tired of the political correctness, indebtedness, joblessness, and attacKS on or moral fabric of our country? Could it be that, the country got tired of the lies and bullshit, can't call terrorism terrorism, maybe they don't want boys in girls restrooms, etc, etc? There may be more to it than just white racist America, which tends make me call more bullshit.

As far as people not wanting to be held accountable, that is the case for every facet of society. I think the problem is we focus on the small fish because they are easy targets. The fact that practically nobody went to prison for bankrupting the US and wold economy is a great example.

I agree those fucks should all be in prison. Justice should have nothing to do with economic or social standing and everything to do with right and wrong, the color of law and enforcement and punishmentof such.

Then we elect Donald Trump, the epitome of this type of egregious behavior.

Replied in your quote in red.

So you believe Clinton's behavior was more electable? Criminal activity, corruption and misuse of official capacity. Vs Trump said some shit people didn't like?
Replied in your quote in red.

So you believe Clinton's behavior was more electable? Criminal activity, corruption and misuse of official capacity. Vs Trump said some shit people didn't like?

No I don't, I supported Sanders but he got screwed. Criminal activity, corruption, and misuse of official capacity are all descriptions of Trump as well. Some of those issues I agree with like political correctness, joblessness, and indebtedness. Trump and Clinton don't solve any of those, Trump especially. The rural working class has been voting for neo-liberal economic policy against their own interests for decades and they are paying for it now. Instead of embracing the rural working class, the democrats abandoned them and have slipped into the same mold as the Republican party.

The fear mongering and insane misinformation about "socialism" is truly hilarious. Its very similar to the climate-change denial propaganda in its absurdity.
You get kids from all walks of life getting busted for marijuana who go to big boy prison and end up real criminals by the time they are out.

It does bear mentioning that if they've been convicted of a crime and sent to prison (and if it's big boy prison, as you say) they are by definition real criminals when they go in. Smoke weed to manage a medical condition, despite it being illegal? I feel for you, I really truly do. Smoking weed because it's fun and you just don't agree with a plant being illegal? Screw you; learn to follow the law until you can get it changed.

Teaching trades and such has some value, but if they were really interested they'd do it themselves when they got out. Better yet, they wouldn't have done something to get themselves locked up in the first place.

I take issue with the idea that people continue to engage in criminal activity as a result of society's failure to properly motivate or rehabilitate them. The truth is, people commit crimes because of an internal moral failure (I'm speaking generally; stealing food to eat is an obvious exception). Blame it on poor parenting, nature, or the phase of the moon at the time of their birth but at the end of the day people are responsible for their own behavior and they must be held accountable for it.
No I don't, I supported Sanders but he got screwed. Criminal activity, corruption, and misuse of official capacity are all descriptions of Trump as well. Some of those issues I agree with like political correctness, joblessness, and indebtedness. Trump and Clinton don't solve any of those, Trump especially. The rural working class has been voting for neo-liberal economic policy against their own interests for decades and they are paying for it now. Instead of embracing the rural working class, the democrats abandoned them and have slipped into the same mold as the Republican party.

The fear mongering and insane misinformation about "socialism" is truly hilarious. Its very similar to the climate-change denial propaganda in its absurdity.

LOL, you and I see the current state of our nation, our national politics and economic status about 180 degrees out from each other. Being that we've somewhat derailed from the threads intent and that I see zero benefit to either of us by further debating such, I'm swing this conversation back to my point in my post.

When people make decisions to do things that go against the rules, laws and norms of the society they presently reside. They will face consequences, they have no ability to manipulate the type of consequences they face, because those consequences are decided by impartial, trusted individuals appointed by society. Now this society may be a college setting, or a prison, or the local city, etc. When you fail to abide by rules, laws and norms, you disrupt that society. When that happens, those trusted impartial people are required to step in, and correct, punish or inactive consequences to maintain the social fabric of good order within the society.

Now this may be payment of a fine, as it was for my motor vehicle traffic violation. It maybe solitary confinement in prison for fighting with other inmates. It maybe a swift kick in the ass and tossed out the door by the bouncer at the local bar. The point is, if you fail to follow the rules/laws you face a consequence, when you do that, people need to be accountable for such. Not bitch and complain, but be able to self evaluate, understand that their failure has lead to a consequence, and their accountability is to face said consequences, meet the punishment and learn to not break the rules and laws of society again. It's not the systems fault when people fail to do so. Its the individuals fault.

Now if the system has become lopsided in its ability to inact proper consequences that are fitting for the offense, than it is up to society to correct that via those trusted officials.

I don't feel solitary confinement is a wrong thing for punishment of those who fail to follow rules and laws within the penal society makeup. It's about the only thing they can do beside beating them or executing them. When your faced with the options of dealing with individuals who are in prison who are still failing to comply with the social format, you are left with very few options. Locking someone in a room is the more humane method of dealing with it, in my personal opinion.
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I'm a strong man, I got no business hitting kids. I told my wife that when I first met her. My old man used to hit me. He made a paddle out of a board, painted it bright red enamel, drilled a hole through the handle and put a leather thong in it so he could hang it up on a hook in the closet. He used to whack the hell out of me with that stick. Until I got big. I came back from the war and I saw the fear in his eyes for the first time.

So I never hit my kids. I yelled like a Senior Drill Instructor, but I never laid a hand on them and they turned out to be great kids. I left the spanking up to my wife and she'd bare their little bottoms once in a while and spank em and they'd just laugh at her.

I restricted my punishments to writing assignments. You will write 80 times "I will not hit my brothers." (I still have the notebook :sneaky:).

But I agree about judiciousness. It depends on the person and depends on the offense. Parents, unfortunately, don't have to pass a qualifications test. And there are many--too many--who have no business raising children. And even though the criminal justice system does have qualifications courses, nothing guarantees that everyone who doles out the punishments will be wise and circumspect.

There is a difference between abusive hitting, and spanking. I was raised much like you (my mother was NOT a "spare the rod" kinda woman), and I vowed that if I ever spanked it would be "correctly." As it turns out, with my 6 kids I can probably count the number of times I have spanked them on two hands over almost 15 years. I appreciate and admire your deliberate and conscientious decision and your unorthodox discipline.
Interesting. Do you believe socialism is a good path for us to follow or do you not believe Sanders is a socialist?

Well Sanders isn't a Socialist by any measure. He claims to be a Democratic Socialist but that is a stretch. He is really a Social Democrat. Some of his policy I like and some I do not. There are aspects of socialism that are already an integral part of this country.
LOL, you and I see the current state of our nation, our national politics and economic status about 180 degrees out from each other. Being that we've somewhat derailed from the threads intent and that I see zero benefit to either of us by further debating such, I'm swing this conversation back to my point in my post.

When people make decisions to do things that go against the rules, laws and norms of the society they presently reside. They will face consequences, they have no ability to manipulate the type of consequences they face, because those consequences are decided by impartial, trusted individuals appointed by society. Now this society may be a college setting, or a prison, or the local city, etc. When you fail to abide by rules, laws and norms, you disrupt that society. When that happens, those trusted impartial people are required to step in, and correct, punish or inactive consequences to maintain the social fabric of good order within the society.

Now this may be payment of a fine, as it was for my motor vehicle traffic violation. It maybe solitary confinement in prison for fighting with other inmates. It maybe a swift kick in the ass and tossed out the door by the bouncer at the local bar. The point is, if you fail to follow the rules/laws you face a consequence, when you do that, people need to be accountable for such. Not bitch and complain, but be able to self evaluate, understand that their failure has lead to a consequence, and their accountability is to face said consequences, meet the punishment and learn to not break the rules and laws of society again. It's not the systems fault when people fail to do so. Its the individuals fault.

Now if the system has become lopsided in its ability to inact proper consequences that are fitting for the offense, than it is up to society to correct that via those trusted officials.

I don't feel solitary confinement is a wrong thing for punishment of those who fail to follow rules and laws within the penal society makeup. It's about the only thing they can do beside beating them or executing them. When your faced with the options of dealing with individuals who are in prison who are still failing to comply with the social format, you are left with very few options. Locking someone in a room is the more humane method of dealing with it, in my personal opinion.

This may surprise you but I do not disagree with any of that. The question is, do our punishments fit the crime? Do they perpetuate the problem? . This is where I tend to to be very skeptical of the Government and increased overreach. Privatized prisons are particularly absurd to me.