I know no one comes down this far, but for those of you that do the International Plastic Modeler's Society webpage has a ton of links devoted to building models. What makes this significant for us is the vast amount of detail that modeler's like to go into and that detail requires some history.
Click on "Modeling Links" on the left. At the top of that page you have a menu to let you choose Aircraft, Vehicles, etc.
Some examples:
The above has information on Luftwaffe and 8th Air Force aircraft from WWII. Squadron markings, colors, uniform details, timelines, you name it.
All about German panzers. Photos, specifications, insane details....
For example, in the link above you have anything you'd want to know about the Panzer 3 tank (yes it has an official name/ designation, no I'm not getting into that).
Captured tanks in Wehrmacht markings.
Just another set of links for your Favorites for you history freaks out there. More info than you can read in a weekend. Enjoy.
Click on "Modeling Links" on the left. At the top of that page you have a menu to let you choose Aircraft, Vehicles, etc.
Some examples:
The above has information on Luftwaffe and 8th Air Force aircraft from WWII. Squadron markings, colors, uniform details, timelines, you name it.
All about German panzers. Photos, specifications, insane details....
For example, in the link above you have anything you'd want to know about the Panzer 3 tank (yes it has an official name/ designation, no I'm not getting into that).
Captured tanks in Wehrmacht markings.
Just another set of links for your Favorites for you history freaks out there. More info than you can read in a weekend. Enjoy.